Fostering a Canadian ecosystem for systems change – the SiG story

As SIX Global Council member Social Innovation Generation (SiG) draws to a close after ten years, the organisation have created this book to chart and track their learning journey from the past decade. 

Social Innovation Generation (SiG) was a coming together of unusual allies — a private family foundation, an innovation hub, a non-profit social enterprise and a public university — around a common cause. Originally conceived in 2007 by the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, it developed with the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience (WISIR), the MaRS Discovery District, and the Plan Institute.

The ultimate goal of the partnership was to nurture the conditions for transformative change in Canada. In Social Innovation Generation, we lay bare what our mission meant to us, why it matters, what we learned, where we stumbled and our insights into how social innovation happens. 

In this book, we lay bare what out mission meant to us, why it mattered, what we learned, where we stumbled and our insights into how social innovation happens. This is our way of paying forward our insights, cultivated in collaboration with dozens of generous partners over the years.

– Social Innovation Generation (SiG) 

To buy a copy of the SiG book, and to find out more information, please click here