The SIX Wayfinder is the only global social innovation industry event that brings together the field’s pioneers to set an agenda for creating a better future and finding our roles within it. When you join the Wayfinder, you are part of the global social innovation movement.

To wayfind is to orient oneself; seafaring communities have long found their way using the stars, the current and the winds. But by nature, to wayfind is to be finding your way, and therefore to be uncertain, often disconnected and sometimes even dislocated from what matters.
How do you find your way when in the present moment you are so disoriented?

The first SIX Wayfinder was convened by SIX, hosted by Nesta and supported by the UNDP, Social Innovation Generation (SiG) National, The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI), and the JW McConnell Family Foundation.

The Wayfinder was about looking back to look forward. 45 speakers and 160 leaders from multiple disciplines from around the world met in London to set a new direction and to find the way forward. Together, we asked:
- What is the state of social innovation and its current global context?
- How do we become more than the sum of our parts?
- What should we, as a community, aim to achieve by 2027?

Social innovation – the last and next decade
Professor Geoff Mulgan’s overview of what was achieved over the last decade, what’s missing, and what might be 10 priorities for the decade ahead, in what is likely to be a much less favourable political climate in many countries. Download here.

From here to there: social innovation from 2006-2027
This visual culmination of the voices, ideas, and insights documents the journey of social innovation in the past 10 years and our road ahead. Read here.

6 things social innovation can offer to an out of control world
Author Charlie Leadbeater summed up the SIX Wayfinder with six things that social innovation can offer to the future. Read here.

In May 2018, the second Wayfinder took place in Istanbul, convened by SIX, hosted by Zorlu Holding, powered by imece, in knowledge partnership with ATÖLYE and S360, and supported by the UNDP Regional Hub Istanbul and the Brookings Doha Centre.
We embarked on a shared global learning experience for two days with 350+ people from 30 countries. We also hosted a public meeting with 1000+ additional participants joining virtually.

One year on, the Istanbul Wayfinder aimed to catalyse the social innovation ecosystems in Turkey, diving deeper into the calls for action from the London event: How do we get truly multi-sector in social innovation — with an emphasis on integrating corporate, government and philanthropic social innovation?

Insights report
This short report summarises our discussions and insights.
We left Istanbul Wayfinder with a renewed sense of purpose, built around action.
Download here.
Lessons on Movements – from Charles Leadbeater
Movements with a mission can change social norms, make markets and flip systems.. So, how can we start thinking as a social innovation movement and adopt this lens in our work? Read more.

The World
In 2020, we took the Wayfinder online. Rather than just hosting a ‘normal’ online conference, we devised a metaphorical symphony — four movements that helped us grasp meaning and shape action together in urgent times.

We turned into the social innovation happening now. We tuned in to how we are renewing our relationships with each other and the earth
- What is the shape of social innovation in urgent times and what sounds can help us reimagine our way forward together?”
- What music can we assemble, improvise and experience together now that will reimagine our way forward together?
‘Sounding Together’ from chaos to catharsis
This 25 minute piece of music was created by six Artist-Composers in response to the stories, pain, hope, and actions from around the world, collected during SIX Wayfinder 2020. Their collaboration spanned four months across time-zones, only ever meeting over Zoom, using a collage of iphone recordings and makeshift studio set ups during lockdown, from Singapore, Poland, Greece, UK and Canada.

Behind the scenes
A behind the scenes look at the inspiration, production, journey and insights from the global event. Our hope is for this sonic horizon of hope to leave you nourished, with new perspectives and awareness for how we transition, heal and rebuild with resilience for where and what next.
Download here.