
Labs for System Change

The Labs for System Change report is our humble attempt to capture the overwhelming richness of the conversations that took place both within the conference and online via Twitter (we captured over 2,000 tweets over the few days of the event). We hope that the report will also surface some of the most pertinent questions and challenges ... Labs for System Change


Future-fit philanthropy: why philanthropic organisations will need foresight to leave lasting legacies of change

Author: Louise Pulford & Cat Tully All philanthropic organisations exist to change the world, or at least a part of it. They are distinguished by their level of ambition – and by their optimism. But that makes them particularly susceptible to the radical uncertainties of our fast-changing world. To be considered transformational, any philanthropic organisation should ... Future-fit philanthropy: why philanthropic organisations will need foresight to leave lasting legacies of change

Next for city innovation: creating backbones for enabling multi-stakeholder solutions

As cities grow in size and significance, they can become sites of complex social problems – but also hubs for exploring possible solutions. While every city faces distinct problems, they all share a need for innovative approaches to tackle today’s challenges. This essay is one in a series on future trends for innovative cities, written by the leading thinkers of the Mayor of Seoul’s ... Next for city innovation: creating backbones for enabling multi-stakeholder solutions

Breakfast on corporate social innovation with SIX, Nesta and McConnell

On 22nd February, SIX and Global Council partners Nesta and the McConnell Foundation hosted a breakfast on corporate social innovation in London. There are a multitude of ways that corporations are contributing to social change, but these initiatives can often feel piecemeal with varying motivations. For this first breakfast, we invited key thinkers to highlight ... Breakfast on corporate social innovation with SIX, Nesta and McConnell

The state of social innovation in 2019

Over the last 10 years, SIX has developed a broad view of what social innovation looks like in different parts of the world. We’ve seen how social innovation ecosystems have developed in response to the individual contexts of different countries, as well as the patterns that have emerged locally, regionally and globally. Here, SIX Executive ... The state of social innovation in 2019

Fostering a Canadian ecosystem for systems change – the SiG story

As SIX Global Council member Social Innovation Generation (SiG) draws to a close after ten years, the organisation have created this book to chart and track their learning journey from the past decade.  Social Innovation Generation (SiG) was a coming together of unusual allies — a private family foundation, an innovation hub, a non-profit social enterprise and a ... Fostering a Canadian ecosystem for systems change – the SiG story

Government of Canada releases recommendations for comprehensive social innovation and social finance strategy

In 2017, a Co-Creation Steering Group, appointed by the Government of Canada, engaged stakeholders from across sectors and regions to provide recommendations for a pan-Canadian Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy. In 2018, the Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy Co-Creation Steering Group released its report, Inclusive Innovation: New Ideas and New Partnerships for Stronger Communities. ... Government of Canada releases recommendations for comprehensive social innovation and social finance strategy

Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy for Canada

It’s time for a Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy for Canada. Canadians should be optimistic about the future. That said, serious challenges remain—poverty, homelessness, climate change—to name a few. And complex challenges demand new kinds of thinking to generate transformative solutions. Fortunately, Canada is a diverse nation of innovators. There is a need to draw on ... Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy for Canada

The future of data – from cities to philanthropy

The conversation at the City Data conference hosted by Nesta on 24 May 2018 ranged from the ethics of algorithms to using avatars to help guide planning applications. The content was aimed at local authorities but the conversations were applicable to all sectors. I was one of the few attending from a social innovation background, with the ... The future of data – from cities to philanthropy

The role of philanthropy in using data to address complex challenges: A global scan

How philanthropy can better use, work with and fund data and emerging technologiesAuthor: Jordan Junge & Kendra Schreiner & Louise Pulford Foundations all over the world are grappling with their role in the emerging field of data and artificial intelligence. The field is fraught with potential controversy but also with possibility. Data has the potential to ... The role of philanthropy in using data to address complex challenges: A global scan

How is big data providing better insights into public welfare?

The gap in information Improving public welfare requires an in-depth understanding of needs and issues among different groups in society. Some mechanisms exist already to measure this information, such as the Genuine Progress Indicator, the Human Development Index, and the World Happiness Report. However, all of these are based on various datasets such as household consumption surveys, nutrition, health ... How is big data providing better insights into public welfare?

Global Networks: Strategies & learning with peers

Abstact Global Networks Networks are a powerful and growing vector for social change. Considering the complex nature of today’s global challenges, solutions need to be reactive to an ever-evolving landscape of players and circumstances. Networks are a fitting way to approach this complex challenge and if well-managed, networks help us share and use knowledge across ... Global Networks: Strategies & learning with peers

Getting Alignment: Some Helpful Aides for Action

Author: Mark Cabaj The idea for this resource emerged during a retreat on Wasan Island for the SIX Funders Node devoted to exploring the challenges and opportunities of getting alignment on tackling tough social, economic and political issues.   The retreat focused on the changing role of foundations, why foundations need to align and how they ... Getting Alignment: Some Helpful Aides for Action

The future of social innovation – Canada and the world

It’s not enough to be reflective. You need to put action into your reflection This was one of the many calls to action from the Spark! Conference in Toronto at the end of November. This gathering of 250 social innovators was at a pivotal moment. Although social innovation has gained in traction over the past decade thanks ... The future of social innovation – Canada and the world

The SiG Story

As SIX Global Council member Social Innovation Generation (SiG) draws to a close after ten years, the organisation have created this book to chart and track their learning journey from the past decade.  Social Innovation Generation (SiG) was a coming together of unusual allies — a private family foundation, an innovation hub, a non-profit social enterprise and a ... The SiG Story

Highlights 2017 – How has social innovation shifted and how has SIX contributed?

The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. Abraham Lincoln  It’s been another eventful year at SIX, with a growing team, activities and ... Highlights 2017 – How has social innovation shifted and how has SIX contributed?

Participatory Systems Change: A Primer

Abstract  Addressing many of today’s most pressing problems—from climate change to unsustainable borrowing to rising inequalities—requires both engaging broad public audiences and working with complex systems of institutions, actors and drivers to mobilize solutions. Over the past thirty years, advances in the field of public engage – ment have enabled citizens to meaningfully affect government ... Participatory Systems Change: A Primer

A Breakfast on Networks and Systems Change

SIX recently hosted Tim Draimin for a breakfast in London with individuals working in networks and systems change. Tim works for the McConnell Foundation in Canada, is seconded to be the Executive Director of Social Innovation Generation (SiG) and is a member of the SIX Executive Board. After 10 years, SiG is sunsetting, as planned, at the end ... A Breakfast on Networks and Systems Change

Why do global foundations need to align for impact?

Author: Jordan Junge If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together African Proverb We know that the challenges our societies face are growing in scale and complexity. We know that not one organisation is capable to solve these challenges alone. Not even foundations, who are uniquely positioned and ... Why do global foundations need to align for impact?

Report: Five ways universities are organising themselves to increase societal impact

Introduction – What are universities for? For many, universities and higher educational institutions continue to be viewed as elitist and isolated institutions, with little connection to the society, communities and organisations around them. Indeed, universities are large, bureaucratic organisations, and many still operate in this stereotyped ‘traditional’ way. However, at a time when the challenges ... Report: Five ways universities are organising themselves to increase societal impact

The philanthropy of place

As the pace of life increases, our lives are continuously engulfed by technology and data. There are few opportunities for stillness.  We need spaces to recharge and recalibrate more than ever, and when we find these spaces, we need to use them more strategically. This is the view of Dr Helga Breuninger of the Breuninger ... The philanthropy of place

How foundations join forces for better philanthropy?

We work hundreds of miles apart, separated by the border but our two organizations – the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation in Canada and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) in the US -have formed a collaboration that is accelerating our efforts to bring about change in our respective countries. Despite our many differences, our organizations are wrestling with similar ... How foundations join forces for better philanthropy?

The future of SiG: Social Innovation at an Inflection Point

Social Innovation Generation concludes its decade-long run in its current form in December 2017. This blog is our opportunity to update our community and partners about SiG’s status and possible next steps. We are also conducting a short survey on what the social innovation ecosystem needs today – please take a few minutes to give us ... The future of SiG: Social Innovation at an Inflection Point

Engineering Change Lab – Sharing the Latest Lab Thinking

The Engineering Change Lab is a platform for collaboration to allow individuals and organizations from across the profession to take action to address the systemic challenges (i.e. ethics failures, lack of diversity, and low levels of innovation) that have been holding back the profession’s full potential. Engineering Change Lab hosted their 5th highly successful workshop in Montreal ... Engineering Change Lab – Sharing the Latest Lab Thinking

Building ecosystems for systems change

How do we collaborate to create ecosystems that support innovation for systems change? On September 5, 2014, Social Innovation Generation (SiG) and Oxfam hosted one of the final sessions of the inaugural Unusual Suspects Festival at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation UK office that explored: How do we collaborate to create an ecosystem that supports innovation for systems ... Building ecosystems for systems change

How Social Innovation Labs Contribute to Transformative Change

The Rockefeller Foundation’s Social Innovation Labs project explores what labs are and how, when, and why we might use them to address complex social problems. Many different types of organizations run labs. Some are part of larger organizations, like UNICEF Innovation Labs or the BRAC Social Innovation Lab. Others are independent, like InSTEDD. According to The Bridgespan Group, preliminary estimates indicate that ... How Social Innovation Labs Contribute to Transformative Change

The Scaling Imperative

This article was originally published on Social Innovation Generation (SiG) website. Social Innovation Generation (SiG) is a group who believes that serious social problems can be solved. Our focus is on fostering social innovation to achieve impact, durability and scale by engaging the creativity and resources of all sectors. Today, it is quite common to come ... The Scaling Imperative

Public and Collaborative: Exploring the Intersection of Design, Social Innovation and Public Policy

An interesting phenomenon is emerging worldwide: more and more people are organizing to solve daily problems together and are collaborating with each other to live more socially cohesive and sustainable lives. This active and collaborative attitude, driven by several social and economic factors, is also based on a technological pre-condition: the diffusion of technologies that ... Public and Collaborative: Exploring the Intersection of Design, Social Innovation and Public Policy

Good Business

In the latest issue of The Business Incubator, Allyson Hewitt introduces us to the concept of corporate social innovation. The article is a welcome demonstration that social innovation thinking is emerging into the mainstream. A young animator had figured out a new way to streamline the animation process. He approached the Information technology, Communications and ... Good Business

Labs: Designing the future

Participatory, user-centric approaches to solving problems are gaining momentum as alternatives to traditional organizations. Among these approaches is the innovation Lab, a creative, multi-disciplinary environment that employs a proven and repeatable protocol to seek disruptive, potentially systems-tipping solutions. Labs: Designing the Future, published in 2012, examines the Lab’s roots in complexity, networked collaboration and design ... Labs: Designing the future