System Change
Think Future Reflections- Designing Events for Innovation
During a work trip to South Africa, to participate in the final symposium of the Erasmus+ funded Common Good First project, I arranged a meeting with Sonja Giese to learn about the work of Innovation Edge. I had heard about them from a former colleague who participated in a funders roundtable several years earlier and I had ... Think Future Reflections- Designing Events for Innovation
SIX Summary of the Systems Innovation Conference 2019
Systems Innovation hosted their second conference in London at the start of September, following their kick off in Barcelona in Spring 2019. The conference brought together almost 200 researchers and practitioners who are applying complexity science and systems thinking in their work, and enabling systems innovation and change throughout the realms of economy, society, technology ... SIX Summary of the Systems Innovation Conference 2019
Climate of crisis and what this means for the social sector
Author: Josiane Smith In the summer of 2019, I moved back to London to take on a new role as the Partnerships and Growth Manager for SIX. I had just returned from six years abroad, exploring what social and economic development looks like in different cultural contexts around the world. I moved between the Middle East, London and New York ... Climate of crisis and what this means for the social sector
Fostering a Canadian ecosystem for systems change – the SiG story
As SIX Global Council member Social Innovation Generation (SiG) draws to a close after ten years, the organisation have created this book to chart and track their learning journey from the past decade. Social Innovation Generation (SiG) was a coming together of unusual allies — a private family foundation, an innovation hub, a non-profit social enterprise and a ... Fostering a Canadian ecosystem for systems change – the SiG story
How funders can contribute to a better future: Strategic Foresight
What do we mean by strategic foresight? Strategic foresight, in general, is the systematic exploration of possible futures to help inform present-day decision making. It looks beyond 3- and 5-year strategic plans to 20, 30, or even 50 years into the future. Strategic foresight does not mean predicting the future. We are not futurists or ... How funders can contribute to a better future: Strategic Foresight
Social Innovation: what’s under this umbrella? A Brazilian perspective
Abstract Social innovation, as both a field and conversation point, is burgeoning within Latin America. Yet, at the same time, there are discrepancies between what is meant by social innovation, and little shared understanding of its definition. The social innovation dialogue in Latin America, and especially in Brazil, hinges around two narratives. One centres on ... Social Innovation: what’s under this umbrella? A Brazilian perspective
Social Innovation Ecosystem in Turkey: An Insight Report
The purpose of this insight report is to mainly document the landscape of social innovation in Turkey by hearing the perspectives, approaches and future direction of the social innovation field from the key actors of the field. As outlined by Social Innovation Exchange (SIX), although the term social innovation is still relatively new in Turkey, it is ... Social Innovation Ecosystem in Turkey: An Insight Report
Conversation with Social Innovation Task Force from the Government of South Korea
In conversation with Nowon Park, Jun Hyung Shim, Sooyeon Lee. Interviewed by So Jung RimPhotographs by Kwansoo Ahn This month, we connected with a delegation from the Social Innovation Taskforce from the South Korean government, representing four different departments, Ministry of Interior and Safety, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Ministry of Science and ICT, and ... Conversation with Social Innovation Task Force from the Government of South Korea
How does the agency for social innovation arise? Enabling social innovation capacity in Thailand and Myanmar
There is no people power in this country Participant during the social innovation workshop in Myanmar The above quote is rather representative of our recent experience of running social innovation training workshops and meeting young students in South East Asia. Another participant in Myanmar used an analogy to express the frustration he felt. “We are ... How does the agency for social innovation arise? Enabling social innovation capacity in Thailand and Myanmar
The Burning Questions of Alignment
We believe that there’s great power in knowing the questions and challenges that are keeping your peers up at night. Not only does it help to reassure that you’re not alone in your work but it can spark a conversation, which in turn can shift thinking and practice. The mission of the Funders Node is ... The Burning Questions of Alignment
The SiG Story
As SIX Global Council member Social Innovation Generation (SiG) draws to a close after ten years, the organisation have created this book to chart and track their learning journey from the past decade. Social Innovation Generation (SiG) was a coming together of unusual allies — a private family foundation, an innovation hub, a non-profit social enterprise and a ... The SiG Story
Highlights 2017 – How has social innovation shifted and how has SIX contributed?
The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. Abraham Lincoln It’s been another eventful year at SIX, with a growing team, activities and ... Highlights 2017 – How has social innovation shifted and how has SIX contributed?
How to lose trust and how to win it back
This piece builds on my contribution to OECD Forum 2017, Bridging Divides , and conversations on ways to ensure that more active online engagement actually leads to offline empowerment and participation. All public institutions worry about trust. They witness long-term trends of apparently declining trust, long for a golden age when things were simpler and ... How to lose trust and how to win it back
Colombian Centre for Social Innovation – ANSPE
Background Innovative solutions to pressing social challenges are thought after throughout the world. In 2013, the Latin American spotlight was on Brazil to offer innovation solutions to counter growing social unrest. Less publicised but similar socio-economic conditions were developing in other Latin America countries, namely Colombia. Challenge There were existing examples of innovative change makers ... Colombian Centre for Social Innovation – ANSPE
Mapping Momentum
As we hurtle towards a human community of 9.7 billion people by the year 2050, coupled with new technologies and the growing challenges of our planet’s carrying capacity, there is more and more discussion of systems and how they change or are created. The post-war era has witnessed an unprecedented growth of global, national and ... Mapping Momentum