
How Field Catalysts Galvanise Social Change

Surmounting daunting social challenges such as ending malaria or achieving marriage equality can require the help of an intermediary organization—a field catalyst—that amplifies the efforts of others. Open access to this article is made possible by The Bridgespan Group. When looking across the major social-change efforts of our time, the parabola of success sometimes arcs suddenly ... How Field Catalysts Galvanise Social Change

What does it mean to move towards trust-based funding?

As part of the SIX Funders Node, which connects funders across the world that want to learn from each other to be better funders of innovation, I interviewed Dr Toby Lowe of the University of Newcastle Business School who is working with Collaborate and the Big Lottery Fund to explore trust-based funding, as a response ... What does it mean to move towards trust-based funding?