From 2008 – 2016, we hosted 9 summer schools in 9 different cities across 6 continents.
The SIX Summer School was our annual gathering organised for the core members of the social innovation community – the drivers building the global social innovation field.
Each event was co-designed in partnership with local partners to have lasting impact on the host cities.. The purpose of the gathering was to take stock of how the field of social innovation was developing and sharing knowledge on methods, financing models, public policy and so on.
“SiG’s partnership with SIX to co-host the 2014 SIX Summer School in Vancouver was a pivotal moment for Canada. The Summer School, benefitting from the participation of SIX’s global network, brought Canada’s emerging social innovation constituency together for the first time from all sectors: community, business, government, and academia. Conversations and relationships started or reinforced at SIX Vancouver have strengthened cross-sector work and contributed to such outcomes as a new provincial social innovation network in Alberta and the development of practical program partnerships among social sector organizations, government and business.”
Tim Draimin, SiG, SIX Summer School 2014 co-host