13:02:01 From fié to Rose Cawood-Campbell(Direct Message): Would people be able to type in chat? 13:02:16 From Rose Cawood-Campbell to fié(Direct Message): now they can 13:02:19 From fié to Everyone: Hi everyone! 13:02:39 From Sonja Miokovic to Everyone: Good morning from Belgrade! :) 13:02:52 From Nada Elfeituri to Everyone: Hi there, Nada from All In, tuning in from Libya 13:03:00 From clarabloomfield to Everyone: Hi Everyone, Clara from Scotland. Happy to be with you all this morning. 13:03:23 From jjcolliver@hotmail.com to Everyone: Hello Jo from Gloucestershire, interested in community building 13:03:26 From Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre to Everyone: Namaste All,this is Chetna from India. Happy to be here. 13:03:35 From Kelly Lawler to Everyone: Hello from Doha 13:03:39 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: Hi everybody! My name is Markus Vähälä and I am the CEO of the international Citizen Network Coop and development manager of Center of Wellbeing and Culture Kukunori in Finland. 13:03:46 From Rose Cawood-Campbell to Everyone: Rose from Scotland here! Hi! 13:03:46 From Madeleine McGirk (she/her) to Everyone: Hi Everyone! I'm Madeleine from Edinburgh, Scotland :) 13:04:04 From lucie russell to Everyone: Hi I’m Lucie in Peckham, London 13:04:49 From Juan to Everyone: hello everyone. I'm Juan,from Spain 13:05:20 From Sonja Miokovic to Everyone: I am excited for this discussion! This is one of my favorite topics 13:05:22 From Katharina Winter (she/her) - Glasgow Caledonian University to Everyone: Hello everyone, I am Katharina from Germany now based in Glasgow, Scotland. 13:05:51 From Moulsari Jain to Everyone: Hello all, Moulsari from Amsterdam, originally from India and NYC 13:11:16 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: If you want to link with me in LinkedIn please do: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markusvahala/ 13:11:28 From Rose Cawood-Campbell to Everyone: there are auto captions available if you want to use them, just enable captions 13:11:39 From Rose Cawood-Campbell to Everyone: slides will be shared after the event :) 13:14:26 From Sonja Miokovic to Everyone: I am the author of this report :) 13:14:38 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: Great Sonja! 13:14:39 From Sonja Miokovic to Everyone: https://www.tamarackcommunity.ca/hubfs/Making%20The%20Case%20for%20Arts-Based%20Community%20Engagement_Tamarack_Institute_2022.pdf?hsCtaTracking=b86db577-f1d3-4209-9170-535c2056ba51%7Cbc3df9fe-5576-45e9-81ba-90f9f6bd4d31 13:14:41 From Madeleine McGirk (she/her) to Everyone: Wow, Sonja! It looks excellent 13:14:52 From Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre to Everyone: Amazing Sonja 🙂 13:15:23 From Sonja Miokovic to Everyone: That is so great! I didn't expect to see this shared as an example😀 13:16:20 From Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre to Everyone: And thats me 🙂 Chetna- Rangbhumi, India 13:18:41 From Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre to Everyone: Facebook link -https://www.facebook.com/Rangbhumi-A-happy-playground-228754897494110/ LinkedIn—http://linkedin.com/in/chetnaa-mehrotra-80722610 Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/rangbhumi_applied_theatre/ 13:19:11 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: Linking this to movements we are creating an international festival events on 3.-4.11.2022 in Los Angeles, New York and Helsinki. The theme for this year is Transformations (individual and community) Please join as performers or participants. Also online www.nolabelsnowalls.net 13:20:00 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: And we are meeting montlhly https://www.facebook.com/events/474137957869879/ 13:21:00 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: And this is our theatre in Los Angeles https://strindberglaboratory.com/ 13:21:26 From Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre to Everyone: Thank you for sharing Markus. Wish we could come from India there 🙂 13:22:44 From jjcolliver@hotmail.com to Everyone: That looks like my wardrobe now! 😄 13:24:47 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: We are supporting a community of over 400 Finnish art creators with lived mental health experience using various digital platforms. As Kukunori we are part of 13 culture houses around Finland and Sweden https://www.rosotuotanto.fi/en/roso-production/ 13:25:12 From Moulsari Jain to Everyone: Fantastic! I've been talking about this since 2015, great to see this here 😄 13:26:31 From Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre to Everyone: Great Work, Fie 🙂 Thank you for sharing. 13:26:42 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: Thank you Fie 13:26:52 From Moulsari Jain to Everyone: Thanks for that, Fie! 13:28:33 From jjcolliver@hotmail.com to Everyone: Thanks Fie! inspirational - I've already subscribed to the podcast :0 13:28:41 From clarabloomfield to Everyone: loved this Fie, cant wait to check out your podcast :) 13:30:52 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: Kukunori is running a social design laboratory called Propellerheads where we support communities to create experiments and model them. One of them is Travel Agent of Art: https://youtu.be/MvrIX7RRYL0 13:34:53 From Rose Cawood-Campbell to fié(Direct Message): FIE I have to step away for a moment can you watch the waiting room etc 13:35:55 From clarabloomfield to Everyone: incredible Madeleine - unmasking climate injustices & S.O.S wow! :) 13:36:53 From Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre to Everyone: wonderful Madaleine. 🙂 13:36:58 From Madeleine McGirk (she/her) to Everyone: REGISTER TO ATTEND IN-PERSON 1ST – 3RD Sept https://bit.ly/3Q7Sn80 REGISTER TO ATTEND ONLINE 29th – 31st Aug https://bit.ly/3vzw8A3 FULL CONFERENCE DETAILS https://bit.ly/3PVm6Bp 13:37:00 From Moulsari Jain to Everyone: Who is the conference aimed at and what are its goals? I had trouble getting a sense from teh website 13:37:33 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: Thank you so much Madeleine. We are also interested in impact and have created Pokka-assessment system used in over 100 Finnish organizations to allow people to research and find comparable impact data. Only in Finnish for now, but watch this space https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK79ysZUXNw 13:37:47 From Madeleine McGirk (she/her) to Everyone: ITAC conferences are a dedicated gathering space for artists who work in communities, schools, and beyond, using their practice to create positive social change. Our conferences take place in a different part of the world every 2 years, and provide Teaching Artists (known by different titles such as community artist, participatory artist, socially engaged artist etc.) with space for international networking, professional development, accessing next, best, and radical practices, partnership building, knowledge exchanges and more. 13:38:03 From Madeleine McGirk (she/her) to Everyone: Thank you all!! I would love to have you join us either virtually on in person :) 13:38:45 From jjcolliver@hotmail.com to Everyone: Walks with Kev! 13:38:58 From Ras Binji, Ghana to Everyone: Nice Presentation Madam Madeleine!!! 13:38:59 From Madeleine McGirk (she/her) to Everyone: Amazing, thanks Markus! I will look at this for sure 13:39:35 From clarabloomfield to Everyone: silence and stillness is so important - walks with kev sound wonderful 13:41:06 From jjcolliver@hotmail.com to Everyone: oo the sunflowers! I follow all this on facebook 🙂 13:44:49 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: Thank you JoJo! Wonderful! Links very well with https://neighbourhooddemocracy.org/ 13:44:51 From Sonja Miokovic to Everyone: wonderful examples! 13:47:21 From Ras Binji, Ghana to Everyone: Great Art work Jojo!!! 13:47:50 From jjcolliver@hotmail.com to Everyone: So beautiful Jojo - you are amazing! 13:50:20 From Rose Cawood-Campbell to Everyone: Please do post your questions in the chat for our speakers/the group 13:51:43 From JoJo Spinks to Everyone: Here here!!!! 13:56:07 From Moulsari Jain to Everyone: This is amazing! I'd love to be able to read the transcript/text of this presentation again later on, if at all possible 13:56:56 From lucie russell to Everyone: I would love a recording/text of this too 14:00:52 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: With an interest in networked action, a question to all participants to name your favourite networks around todays theme, that are not linked with a project but more with trust and commitment of the participants. 14:02:07 From jjcolliver@hotmail.com to Everyone: I’d like to ask the presenters about their relationship with funding. How to get paid, how to fund. 14:02:43 From Madeleine McGirk (she/her) to Everyone: That was GREAT - well said Clara - so much well informed practice explained. Thank you :) 14:03:00 From Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network to Everyone: Thank you so much Clara! 14:03:01 From clarabloomfield to Everyone: Clara Bloomfield Email: clara@clarabloomfield websites: https://www.clarabloomfield.com/ and https://www.collisiontheatre.com/ 14:03:07 From Moulsari Jain to Everyone: Thank you so much Clara! Inspirational 14:03:10 From jjcolliver@hotmail.com to Everyone: Thank you Clara 14:03:45 From JoJo Spinks to Everyone: JoJo and Interwoven - www.interwovenproductions.com 14:03:54 From Nada Elfeituri to Everyone: Question: How do you meet pushback from clients about arts-based methods that seem too "fluffy" or expensive for govt and private sector? 14:05:14 From Sonja Miokovic to Everyone: https://c4aa.org/?mc_cid=d043ff4dc7&mc_eid=743790302f 14:05:24 From fié to Everyone: To find out more about SI Connect: https://siconnect.uk 14:05:27 From Sonja Miokovic to Everyone: The Centre for Artistic Activism 14:05:29 From JoJo Spinks to Everyone: Artwork Alliance - https://www.artworksalliance.org.uk/ 14:06:10 From Moulsari Jain to Everyone: would also be great to receive the chat later on as I can't save chat in this session for some reason - great resources here 14:06:15 From fié to Everyone: More about INSEP https://www.insepconnect.com
Onions Talk podcast https://anchor.fm/onionstalk 14:06:57 From fié to Everyone: If anyone would like to keep in touch and continue this conversation, you can email me at fie@socialinnovationexchange.org 00:21:22 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: If you want to link with me in LinkedIn please do: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markusvahala/ 00:21:33 Rose Cawood-Campbell: there are auto captions available if you want to use them, just enable captions 00:21:44 Rose Cawood-Campbell: slides will be shared after the event :) 00:24:32 Sonja Miokovic: I am the author of this report :) 00:24:43 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: Great Sonja! 00:24:44 Sonja Miokovic: https://www.tamarackcommunity.ca/hubfs/Making%20The%20Case%20for%20Arts-Based%20Community%20Engagement_Tamarack_Institute_2022.pdf?hsCtaTracking=b86db577-f1d3-4209-9170-535c2056ba51%7Cbc3df9fe-5576-45e9-81ba-90f9f6bd4d31 00:24:46 Madeleine McGirk (she/her): Wow, Sonja! It looks excellent 00:24:57 Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre: Amazing Sonja 🙂 00:25:28 Sonja Miokovic: That is so great! I didn't expect to see this shared as an example😀 00:26:25 Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre: And thats me 🙂 Chetna- Rangbhumi, India 00:28:46 Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre: Facebook link -https://www.facebook.com/Rangbhumi-A-happy-playground-228754897494110/ LinkedIn—http://linkedin.com/in/chetnaa-mehrotra-80722610 Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/rangbhumi_applied_theatre/ 00:29:17 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: Linking this to movements we are creating an international festival events on 3.-4.11.2022 in Los Angeles, New York and Helsinki. The theme for this year is Transformations (individual and community) Please join as performers or participants. Also online www.nolabelsnowalls.net 00:30:05 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: And we are meeting montlhly https://www.facebook.com/events/474137957869879/ 00:31:06 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: And this is our theatre in Los Angeles https://strindberglaboratory.com/ 00:31:31 Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre: Thank you for sharing Markus. Wish we could come from India there 🙂 00:32:49 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: That looks like my wardrobe now! 😄 00:34:52 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: We are supporting a community of over 400 Finnish art creators with lived mental health experience using various digital platforms. As Kukunori we are part of 13 culture houses around Finland and Sweden https://www.rosotuotanto.fi/en/roso-production/ 00:35:17 Moulsari Jain: Fantastic! I've been talking about this since 2015, great to see this here 😄 00:36:36 Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre: Great Work, Fie 🙂 Thank you for sharing. 00:36:47 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: Thank you Fie 00:36:57 Moulsari Jain: Thanks for that, Fie! 00:38:38 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: Thanks Fie! inspirational - I've already subscribed to the podcast :0 00:38:46 clarabloomfield: loved this Fie, cant wait to check out your podcast :) 00:40:57 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: Kukunori is running a social design laboratory called Propellerheads where we support communities to create experiments and model them. One of them is Travel Agent of Art: https://youtu.be/MvrIX7RRYL0 00:46:01 clarabloomfield: incredible Madeleine - unmasking climate injustices & S.O.S wow! :) 00:46:58 Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre: wonderful Madaleine. 🙂 00:47:03 Madeleine McGirk (she/her): REGISTER TO ATTEND IN-PERSON 1ST – 3RD Sept https://bit.ly/3Q7Sn80 REGISTER TO ATTEND ONLINE 29th – 31st Aug https://bit.ly/3vzw8A3 FULL CONFERENCE DETAILS https://bit.ly/3PVm6Bp 00:47:05 Moulsari Jain: Who is the conference aimed at and what are its goals? I had trouble getting a sense from teh website 00:47:38 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: Thank you so much Madeleine. We are also interested in impact and have created Pokka-assessment system used in over 100 Finnish organizations to allow people to research and find comparable impact data. Only in Finnish for now, but watch this space https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK79ysZUXNw 00:47:52 Madeleine McGirk (she/her): ITAC conferences are a dedicated gathering space for artists who work in communities, schools, and beyond, using their practice to create positive social change. Our conferences take place in a different part of the world every 2 years, and provide Teaching Artists (known by different titles such as community artist, participatory artist, socially engaged artist etc.) with space for international networking, professional development, accessing next, best, and radical practices, partnership building, knowledge exchanges and more. 00:48:09 Madeleine McGirk (she/her): Thank you all!! I would love to have you join us either virtually on in person :) 00:48:51 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: Walks with Kev! 00:49:03 Ras Binji, Ghana: Nice Presentation Madam Madeleine!!! 00:49:05 Madeleine McGirk (she/her): Amazing, thanks Markus! I will look at this for sure 00:49:40 clarabloomfield: silence and stillness is so important - walks with kev sound wonderful 00:51:11 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: oo the sunflowers! I follow all this on facebook 🙂 00:54:55 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: Thank you JoJo! Wonderful! Links very well with https://neighbourhooddemocracy.org/ 00:54:57 Sonja Miokovic: wonderful examples! 00:57:26 Ras Binji, Ghana: Great Art work Jojo!!! 00:57:55 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: So beautiful Jojo - you are amazing! 01:00:25 Rose Cawood-Campbell: Please do post your questions in the chat for our speakers/the group 01:01:48 JoJo Spinks: Here here!!!! 01:06:12 Moulsari Jain: This is amazing! I'd love to be able to read the transcript/text of this presentation again later on, if at all possible 01:07:01 lucie russell: I would love a recording/text of this too 01:10:58 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: With an interest in networked action, a question to all participants to name your favourite networks around todays theme, that are not linked with a project but more with trust and commitment of the participants. 01:12:12 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: I’d like to ask the presenters about their relationship with funding. How to get paid, how to fund. 01:12:49 Madeleine McGirk (she/her): That was GREAT - well said Clara - so much well informed practice explained. Thank you :) 01:13:05 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: Thank you so much Clara! 01:13:06 clarabloomfield: Clara Bloomfield Email: clara@clarabloomfield websites: https://www.clarabloomfield.com/ and https://www.collisiontheatre.com/ 01:13:13 Moulsari Jain: Thank you so much Clara! Inspirational 01:13:15 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: Thank you Clara 01:13:50 JoJo Spinks: JoJo and Interwoven - www.interwovenproductions.com 01:14:00 Nada Elfeituri: Question: How do you meet pushback from clients about arts-based methods that seem too "fluffy" or expensive for govt and private sector? 01:15:19 Sonja Miokovic: https://c4aa.org/?mc_cid=d043ff4dc7&mc_eid=743790302f 01:15:30 fié: To find out more about SI Connect: https://siconnect.uk 01:15:33 Sonja Miokovic: The Centre for Artistic Activism 01:15:35 JoJo Spinks: Artwork Alliance - https://www.artworksalliance.org.uk/ 01:16:15 Moulsari Jain: would also be great to receive the chat later on as I can't save chat in this session for some reason - great resources here 01:16:20 fié: More about INSEP https://www.insepconnect.com
Onions Talk podcast https://anchor.fm/onionstalk 01:17:02 fié: If anyone would like to keep in touch and continue this conversation, you can email me at fie@socialinnovationexchange.org 01:17:29 fié: I’ll send the slides and the chat in post event email 🙂 01:17:46 Moulsari Jain: thank you so much! 🙏🏼 01:18:13 Madeleine McGirk (she/her): Thank you Clara, what a lovely endorsement! 01:18:34 Sonja Miokovic: I would love to stay connected! Feel free to add me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sonjamiokovic/ or sonja@tamarackcommunity.ca 01:19:48 Sonja Miokovic: Also hosting a series of workshops on co-design: facilitating community led innovation. Take a peek to learn more https://bit.ly/3ArLklA 01:20:25 Sonja Miokovic: Here is a link to Tamarack’s resource library: https://www.tamarackcommunity.ca/library 01:20:51 Moulsari Jain: Yes, same here! I'm at https://www.linkedin.com/in/moulsari/ or https://moulsari.com // and something relevant I wrote: 01:21:06 Moulsari Jain: https://moulsari.com/blog-posts/2017/11/13/how-artists-will-save-business-and-humanity 01:22:21 Moulsari Jain: https://moulsari.com/blog-posts/2016/6/2/only-artists-change-the-world 01:23:10 Moulsari Jain: I welcome any conversation and discussion of ideas and perspectives or opportunities and collaborations! 01:23:39 Sonja Miokovic: I wanted to share a project I launched in 2020 called Movement: Art for Social Change. We had an open call for artists around the world on the theme of racial justice. The artwork which was selected by a jury was projected on iconic buildings across the US and auctioned online with the proceeds going to a national charity. Take a peek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYjPAFcpHdM 01:23:56 fié: Podcast with Jojo that goes in depth into this https://anchor.fm/onionstalk/episodes/Interwoven-Productions-with-JoJo-Circular-and-Gift-Economy-in-Creative-Placemaking-changemakers-egsv77/a-a2nord4 01:24:00 Sonja Miokovic: We landed a partnership which funded the production 01:24:27 Moulsari Jain: So many amazing references and resources, thank you for sharing, everyone 01:24:41 Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre: We are an Applied Theatre Organisation, India ( Mumbai) working as curriculum partners in schools, NGOS, children from Tired backgrounds, Women in masculine spaces through Applied Arts and artistic practices. Would be happy to connect. We are presenting at ITAC, Oslo this year too. 01:24:47 Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre: Facebook link -https://www.facebook.com/Rangbhumi-A-happy-playground-228754897494110/ LinkedIn—http://linkedin.com/in/chetnaa-mehrotra-80722610 Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/rangbhumi_applied_theatre/ 01:26:14 Juan: thanks a lot for sharing. Unfortunatelly gotta go. regards from Spain 01:26:22 fié: thanks for coming juan! 01:28:40 Sonja Miokovic: I am curious, from an artist's perspective, what are some of the challenges in connecting or collaborating with communities? 01:28:56 Chetna Mehrotra, Rangbhumi Applied Theatre: Thank you everyone. Amazing conversations. Great energy and resources. Will have to leave now. Namaste. 01:29:47 Sonja Miokovic: Agreed Fie! 01:30:55 Sonja Miokovic: The artistic process is undervalued in funding structures/criteria/reporting…… 01:30:56 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: Yes yes yes Fie 01:31:45 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: European Union action climate-KIC through portfolio funding that allows easier negotiable ways to include our skills in creating change in societies. 01:31:58 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: I wonder about reframing the conversation about Futures. ....better futures 01:33:25 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: Learn the skills to shape better #futures for your community. #OurCommunityFutures is a programme for UK-based 16-30 year olds that applies #futuresthinking, leadership training & political literacy to create change in your community. Apply now: https://bit.ly/3vXku2b. Copied from a tweet from School of International Futures 01:34:06 Rose Cawood-Campbell: this is an earlier question: Question: How do you meet pushback from clients about arts-based methods that seem too "fluffy" or expensive for govt and private sector? 01:36:22 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: Well said Madeleine 01:38:19 Kelly Lawler: Thank you all for this session; I am a career pivoting artist I working on my MFA in the US and working on my thesis around how art heals (and interested in building something in Philadelphia that would be community/artist colony) - this touches on many angles as well as expanding my knowledge of what socially engaged art is - thank you also for all using your powers for good! @kellylawler555 - thanks again! 01:39:48 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: Yes, for some reason funders trust numbers …even if it isn't maths. 01:40:11 Markus Vähälä - Citizen Network: Thank you all for being here today! Thank you for organizing this! I hope to meet you all later! https://citizen-network.org/ 01:40:14 fié: If anyone wants to connect with me, I share updates and resources https://www.instagram.com/feeyeh_neo/
https://www.linkedin.com/in/fié-neo-3209973b/ 01:41:22 Madeleine McGirk (she/her): Yes! Well said Sonja 01:42:50 Moulsari Jain: Thank you for this session! It was very valuable. Look forward to receiving the chat and transcript! Have a great day 01:42:56 clarabloomfield: Clara Bloomfield Insta – https://www.instagram.com/claratheatremaker/ Linked in - https://uk.linkedin.com/in/clara-bloomfield-frsa-250a52135 01:43:51 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: Yes thank you- lots to process. Looking forward to viewing the recording again so I can work though my thoughts 01:44:09 Sonja Miokovic: absolutely! in the article we wrote - we have an inventory of methods -- its a fun resource 01:44:19 Moulsari Jain: I'm here to collaborate for this, Fié! I can help you with business model 🙂 01:45:19 Moulsari Jain: ...and very interested in the language conversation too 01:46:12 fié: fie@socialinnovationexchange.org 01:46:15 Sonja Miokovic: Thank you everyone! 01:47:02 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: That was terrific. I’m so glad I dialled in! 01:47:50 jjcolliver@hotmail.com: Bye!