SIX asked Kevin Shane, Principal and Communications Lead at Quicksand, based in India, to share insights and lessons from their work and human-centred design including what it looks like in practice, key challenges and how the process can add to the field of international development.
Human- or user-centered design is a framework or system of processes in which the wants and needs of an end-user is placed at the forefront during each phase of the design of a product, service, or system. It’s ubiquitous in its application, which helps to shed some light into the diversity of clients Quicksand works with, and the projects that we do, whether in the corporate consulting space or in the world of social development. Engaging with end-users or beneficiaries in their context is a key component of HCD, and one that facilitates a deep, empathic understanding of an individual’s perceptions and behaviours around a specific topic.
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