SIX Fallback News Illustration

Connecting edges and building bridges

Working with our new Chair, Markus Lux in 2024 and beyond Firstly, it is my great pleasure to announce that SIX has a new chair – Markus Lux, who is Senior Vice President Global Issues at Robert Bosch Stiftung. Like SIX, Markus is committed to finding joint solutions to global challenges. Over the coming years, ... Connecting edges and building bridges

What’s the role of young people in social innovation?

The power of young people, activism and the role of government have been the focus of our team discussions at SIX over the last month. This month, the team have been to Cape Town and Bangkok for our work challenging universities to experiment and co-create social innovation, Canada and Australia for our work encouraging the ... What’s the role of young people in social innovation?

How has the discourse around philanthropy shifted after the events of 2020?

Introduction Over the coming months, SIX will be sharing our tracking and interrogation of how the discourse around philanthropy has shifted, or not, after the profoundly impactful events of 2020. We are looking for themes that have been lost in the noise, and trends that have become louder; we are searching for signals about what has ... How has the discourse around philanthropy shifted after the events of 2020?

The Future of Social Innovation in the Arab Region

Introduction In partnership with the International Forum for Social Innovation 2020 (ISIF), which was organised in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, SIX brought together a group of speakers and panellists from ISIF to discuss what is needed to build more support for social innovation in the future. Participants represented 11 countries across the Arab region and ... The Future of Social Innovation in the Arab Region

Report: Motivations for Business to Create Shared Value in Hong Kong

The coronavirus outbreak has triggered the biggest global economic, health care and social crisis in centuries. This is a time for all sectors to reflect on their approaches and develop new ways of doing things. And it includes the private sector. In the post-pandemic world, the new business landscape is complex and uncertain. Amongst technological ... Report: Motivations for Business to Create Shared Value in Hong Kong

Philanthropy, Power and Radical Change – in collaboration with Ariadne network

Practising radical change in philanthropy: why we’re looking at it and what it means On 3 November 2020, Ariadne and SIX invited 23 philanthropic organisations from Europe, North America, Africa and Asia to exchange practical examples, lessons and tensions in their work funding radical, structural and deep change, and to uncover practical, concrete examples that benchmark ... Philanthropy, Power and Radical Change – in collaboration with Ariadne network

False binaries: A cautionary tale

This is the fourth article in a global series about philanthropic responses to COVID-19 and its effects, which was produced in partnership with The Alliance Magazine. This was part of the SIX Funders Node Year on Power programme. This article has been written by Djurdja Trajković and Galina Maksimović, from the Reconstruction Women’s Fund in Serbia. Anyone who ... False binaries: A cautionary tale

The Robin Murray Living Library is now live

The Robin Murray Living Library has been created by the Trellis Foundation, set up in memory of Robin to continue his life’s work in social and environmental innovation. As part of this project we have digitised and made available hundreds of unpublished papers, as well as articles, reports and other publications, dating from the 1960s to ... The Robin Murray Living Library is now live

Philanthropy, Power and New Challenges

Philanthropy, Power and New Challenges: Insights from a global call between WINGS and SIX networks On 25 June, WINGS and SIX brought together 17 philanthropic leaders from around the world in a reflective conversation to explore which methods and models philanthropy should be engaging with in order to shift power, and to uncover the ways ... Philanthropy, Power and New Challenges

The Aotearoa COVID-19 experience

This is the third article in a global series about philanthropic responses to COVID-19 and its effects, which was produced in partnership with The Alliance Magazine. This was part of the SIX Funders Node Year on Power programme. Sue McCabe, the Executive Director of Philanthropy New Zealand, adds important context from Aotearoa New Zealand. At the ... The Aotearoa COVID-19 experience

You call it Philanthropy, we call it ‘Devlopman Tèt Ansanm’

This is the second article in a global series about philanthropic responses to COVID-19 and its effects, which was produced in partnership with The Alliance Magazine. This was part of the SIX Funders Node Year on Power programme. Marie-Rose Romain Murphy, the Co-founder of Haiti Community Foundation, continues the series. ‘We do not learn from experience…We learn ... You call it Philanthropy, we call it ‘Devlopman Tèt Ansanm’

5 things we should learn from Taiwan to build a resilient society

This article summarises highlights from the first SIX Dialogue Series: Social innovation for Resilience – the Taiwan Approach, between Audrey Tang and Geoff Mulgan.  When we see “internet of things”, let’s make it an internet of beings. When we see “virtual reality”, let’s make it a shared reality. When we see “machine learning”, let’s make it ... 5 things we should learn from Taiwan to build a resilient society

WATCH: Social Innovation for Resilience – the Taiwan Approach

On Tuesday 21st July, Social Innovation Exchange held our first Global Dialogue.  Speaking with Audrey Tang, Digital Minister of the Taiwan government and Geoff Mulgan, Professor at UCL on Collective Intelligence and Social Innovation, Marco Shek, Asia Lead- Partnerships, Capacity Building and Development at SIX, spoke about how collective intelligence and trust-building has enabled Taiwan to be resilient. The hour-long discussion ... WATCH: Social Innovation for Resilience – the Taiwan Approach

SIX’s Memory of Mayor Won Soon Park of Seoul

13 July 2020 On 10 July 2020, the SIX community lost both an inspiration, but also a friend. Mayor Park Won-soon’s body was found on Bukak mountain in Seoul’s Seongbuk-gu neighbourhood, just after midnight on Friday local time. Mayor Park has been a key part in SIX and the global social innovation movement for over ... SIX’s Memory of Mayor Won Soon Park of Seoul

Systems principles for a pandemic

Earlier in April, SIX wrapped up our second of two trainings with one of the largest independent grant making foundations in England. Over six months, we worked with two cohorts of individuals to explore what social innovation and systems thinking looks like in context and in practice. What were we designing for? We believe that funders and ... Systems principles for a pandemic

Making the case for foundations in East Asia to embrace systems thinking

Questions for the social sector in Hong Kong With the rapid development of East Asia in recent years, individuals and corporates are accumulating wealth. This is leading to the establishment of new foundations and making both public and private funds widely available.  We have worked in East Asia for several years, our SIX colleague and ... Making the case for foundations in East Asia to embrace systems thinking

Listen to Tamarack Institute The Changing Role of Philanthropy webinar now

Listen as Louise, Sophie and Liz engage in a conversation about the changing role and impact of philanthropy and explore how our work influences funders and community change leaders globally. Philanthropy plays a pivotal role in the community and social change supporting organizations and networks in tackling complex and urgent challenges that communities are facing. ... Listen to Tamarack Institute The Changing Role of Philanthropy webinar now

Global exchange in the age of Coronavirus

Last week, the WHO officially declared Coronavirus a pandemic. Since then, a feeling of being out of control is spreading around the world. One by one, governments declare national emergencies and implement lockdown policies. The streets of London were quiet this morning, and for those who are not socially isolating themselves, ‘social distancing’ is becoming ... Global exchange in the age of Coronavirus

Taking Collaborative Action to Reduce Inequalities

‘Taking collaborative action to reduce inequalities’ was an event hosted by the Health Foundation at the People’s History Museum in Manchester on the 22nd and 23rd January 2020. This two-day conference provided a space and a framework to explore how working across multiple determinants of health can improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities in the ... Taking Collaborative Action to Reduce Inequalities

Coronavirus and social innovation – Why we need to keep learning globally

As coronavirus is challenging global markets, and shining a light on many of our structural inequalities (most prominent is lack of access to wifi and resources for e-learning for many children when schools close), the power of ordinary citizens is coming to the fore once again. At SIX, we believe in looking beyond our borders ... Coronavirus and social innovation – Why we need to keep learning globally

5 ways community spaces are using social innovation to #ReimagineSpace

This year, we at the Social Innovation Exchange (SIX) hosted a  Winter School for Hallym University. The 5-day programme in London tackled pressing social issues and started students on their journey to become changemakers.  Focusing on the theme of ‘Community Spaces in the 21st Century’, we explored how place and social innovation interact to create thriving ... 5 ways community spaces are using social innovation to #ReimagineSpace

Think Future Reflections- Designing Events for Innovation

During a work trip to South Africa, to participate in the final symposium of the Erasmus+ funded Common Good First project, I arranged a meeting with Sonja Giese to learn about the work of Innovation Edge. I had heard about them from a former colleague who participated in a funders roundtable several years earlier and I had ... Think Future Reflections- Designing Events for Innovation

Three insights from an exchange between the UK and Afghanistan

In October 2019, Lizzy Robinson, the Senior Program Manager and the Afghanistan portfolio lead at MAGENTA, and Josiane from SIX in the UK, shared their experiences of working in social change organisations. The conversation was documented here in two parts. The first article emphasises the role of behavioural science and social innovation to instigate meaningful social change. ... Three insights from an exchange between the UK and Afghanistan

Lessons for Global Collaboration: South African and European Perspectives

This is the transcript of a panel facilitated by Josiane Smith, our Partnerships and Growth Manager, during the final symposium of the Common Good First (CGF) project in October 2019 in South Africa.

Systems Change vs. Behaviour Change (part two)

Lizzy Robinson is a Senior Program Manager and the Afghanistan portfolio lead at MAGENTA, a social and behavioural change research and communications firm. Josiane Smith manages Strategic Partnerships and Growth at the Social Innovation Exchange (SIX), a global, cross-sector network of institutions and individuals committed to social and systems change. Josiane and Lizzy connected in ... Systems Change vs. Behaviour Change (part two)

Between the institution and the individual: What works for systems change (part one)

This is Part One of a Two Part Series exploring different approaches to tackling social issues in development work and the public sector. It is held in conversation between Lizzy Robinson and Josiane Smith, who connected in Amman over their mutual fascination with social development, behaviour change and the bigger forces in society that help or hinder ... Between the institution and the individual: What works for systems change (part one)

SIX Summary of the Systems Innovation Conference 2019

Systems Innovation hosted their second conference in London at the start of September, following their kick off in Barcelona in Spring 2019. The conference brought together almost 200 researchers and practitioners who are applying complexity science and systems thinking in their work, and enabling systems innovation and change throughout the realms of economy, society, technology ... SIX Summary of the Systems Innovation Conference 2019

Climate of crisis and what this means for the social sector

Author: Josiane Smith In the summer of 2019, I moved back to London to take on a new role as the  Partnerships and Growth Manager for SIX. I had just returned from six years abroad, exploring what social and economic development looks like in different cultural contexts around the world. I moved between the Middle East, London and New York ... Climate of crisis and what this means for the social sector

Future trends for innovative cities

One of the reasons why I decided to run for Mayor was to pursue social innovation. Seoul has a population of 10 million, it’s a big metropolitan city and changing the lives of Seoul citizens is only possible not in front of a desk, but within the lives of the citizens. I am moving the Mayor’s ... Future trends for innovative cities


Future-fit philanthropy: why philanthropic organisations will need foresight to leave lasting legacies of change

Author: Louise Pulford & Cat Tully All philanthropic organisations exist to change the world, or at least a part of it. They are distinguished by their level of ambition – and by their optimism. But that makes them particularly susceptible to the radical uncertainties of our fast-changing world. To be considered transformational, any philanthropic organisation should ... Future-fit philanthropy: why philanthropic organisations will need foresight to leave lasting legacies of change

Breakfast on corporate social innovation with SIX, Nesta and McConnell

On 22nd February, SIX and Global Council partners Nesta and the McConnell Foundation hosted a breakfast on corporate social innovation in London. There are a multitude of ways that corporations are contributing to social change, but these initiatives can often feel piecemeal with varying motivations. For this first breakfast, we invited key thinkers to highlight ... Breakfast on corporate social innovation with SIX, Nesta and McConnell

Making the heart bigger: The stories of the Unusual Suspects Festival

Stories can conquer fear, you know. They can make the heart bigger. Ben Okri In the small actions of how you eat or what kind of energy you use or how you study or how you work, there are big ideas implicit in these very small things, and that’s what gives them so much meaning ... Making the heart bigger: The stories of the Unusual Suspects Festival

Co-creation and peer research Lab Exchange PART IV

In this Lab Exchange Series, Chelsea (Public Policy Lab, NYC), Stephane (La 27e Région, Paris) and Carolyn (TACSI, Adelaide) talk with Rachel (Social Lab, Hong Kong) and Marco (SIX, London) about participatory approaches and what kind of mindset they bring when working with the community. This conversation was part of Social Lab Symposium in Hong Kong. Working ... Co-creation and peer research Lab Exchange PART IV

Lab Exchange PART II: The “terrible” bureaucracy and saying “no”

In this Lab Exchange Series, Chelsea (Public Policy Lab, NYC), Stephane (La 27e Région, Paris) and Carolyn (TACSI, Adelaide) talk with Rachel (Social Lab, Hong Kong) and Marco (SIX, London) about building new narratives and capabilities needed to work as a lab practitioner. This conversation was part of Social Lab Symposium in Hong Kong. The terrible bureaucracy ... Lab Exchange PART II: The “terrible” bureaucracy and saying “no”

What is a social lab? Why now? – Lab Exchange PART I

In this Lab Exchange Series, Chelsea (Public Policy Lab, NYC), Stephane (La 27e Région, Paris) and Carolyn (TACSI, Adelaide) talk with Rachel (Social Lab, Hong Kong) and Marco (SIX, London) about the emergence of social and public labs and what it means to work as a lab practitioner. This conversation was part of Social Lab Symposium in ... What is a social lab? Why now? – Lab Exchange PART I

The Lab Exchange Series

Lab.  A word from the science field, that refers to the controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed. The idea has since been applied in the social and public sector. There has been a lab movement in Europe and the US for the last ten years, both inside ... The Lab Exchange Series

Snakes and ladders in participation

As cities grow in size and significance, they can become sites of complex social problems – but also hubs for exploring possible solutions. While every city faces distinct problems, they all share a need for innovative approaches to tackle today’s challenges. This essay is one in a series on future trends for innovative cities, written by the leading thinkers of the Mayor of Seoul’s ... Snakes and ladders in participation

Social Innovation Community yearbook – looking back on 3 years of community building in Europe

The Social Innovation Community (SIC) project aimed to develop an enabling environment for social innovation by connecting social innovators from Europe and beyond. SIX was one of 12 European partners involved in building this initiative. This was a an important next step in Europe, following the work of SIX and others to connect social innovation actors ... Social Innovation Community yearbook – looking back on 3 years of community building in Europe

What did we learn from Social Innovation Community Project?

The Social Innovation Community (SIC) project aimed to develop an enabling environment for social innovation by connecting social innovators from Europe and beyond. The global challenges that we face are diverse and resistant to solution. Issues like inequality, climate change, housing shortages, and migration require new thinking. They require an environment in which we appreciate that ... What did we learn from Social Innovation Community Project?

Collaborative cities: what social innovation teaches us

As cities grow in size and significance, they can become sites of complex social problems – but also hubs for exploring possible solutions. While every city faces distinct problems, they all share a need for innovative approaches to tackle today’s challenges. This essay is one in a series on future trends for innovative cities, written by the leading thinkers of the Mayor of Seoul’s ... Collaborative cities: what social innovation teaches us

Why public servants need to get out of the office more

As cities grow in size and significance, they can become sites of complex social problems – but also hubs for exploring possible solutions. While every city faces distinct problems, they all share a need for innovative approaches to tackle today’s challenges. This essay is one in a series on future trends for innovative cities, written by the leading thinkers of the Mayor of Seoul’s ... Why public servants need to get out of the office more

The state of social innovation in 2019

Over the last 10 years, SIX has developed a broad view of what social innovation looks like in different parts of the world. We’ve seen how social innovation ecosystems have developed in response to the individual contexts of different countries, as well as the patterns that have emerged locally, regionally and globally. Here, SIX Executive ... The state of social innovation in 2019

Funding – A Practice Guide

Funding is essential for social innovation to grow and thrive. This is why SIX has an entire programme dedicated to philanthropy. The SIX Funders Node challenges, enables, and inspires funders to be more systemic and innovative in their thinking and practice. Our aim is to increase the flow of funding to social innovation and systemic change. We ... Funding – A Practice Guide

What is the power of networks in philanthropy? Reflections from SIX

Having worked for an international exchange for almost 5 years, I can attest firsthand to the power of networks. Networks help us to navigate our daily life (whether in the workplace or at home), providing much needed inspiration and success stories, new connections and personal relationships, whilst expanding our learning and horizons.   I’ve thought ... What is the power of networks in philanthropy? Reflections from SIX

What is corporate social innovation?

Corporate social innovation (CSI) describes corporations who integrate social innovation into their corporate activities. Although a relatively new term, shared value companies are not new, although the recent influx in CSI is a sign of the growing strength of this field. Corporations play a significant opportunity in 2018 and the next decade to be part ... What is corporate social innovation?

Movements Change Systems

Movements with a mission can change social norms, make markets and flips systems Lessons from Charlie Leadbeater  The things that really bring change in society are movements with missions. We have to understand when they bring real change; when they’re nor just a hashtag to framed up by a marketing company. Charlie Leadbeater  When do movements ... Movements Change Systems

Blog: How philanthropy can support the growth of data for social good

This article was originally published by Alliance Magazine. How philanthropy can support the growth of data for social good We often hear about the potential (and actual) perils of big data and emerging technologies – large privacy breaches, public opinion manipulation, and algorithmic bias – but there are also many positive ways it can influence society. Data has ... Blog: How philanthropy can support the growth of data for social good

How funders can contribute to a better future: Strategic Foresight

What do we mean by strategic foresight? Strategic foresight, in general, is the systematic exploration of possible futures to help inform present-day decision making. It looks beyond 3- and 5-year strategic plans to 20, 30, or even 50 years into the future. Strategic foresight does not mean predicting the future. We are not futurists or ... How funders can contribute to a better future: Strategic Foresight

Top 11 Things to Read on Strategic Foresight and Philanthropy

In our rapidly changing and volatile world, funders need to build more capacity to better deal with the new challenges that come their way. This August, SIX is hosting a retreat with our Funders Node to explore how they can fund strategically with future foresight and adaptive capacity for emergent change. Below is a selection of readings ... Top 11 Things to Read on Strategic Foresight and Philanthropy

7 Ways Philanthropy Can Engage Data for Social Good

Please share this infographic freely with your organisation and network. This infographic is part of a larger project on the role of philanthropy in using data to solve complex problems. A global scan highlights many initiatives using data for good, the main methods, how philanthropy is engaging, and the challenges faced.  —————— Want to read more great content ... 7 Ways Philanthropy Can Engage Data for Social Good

SIX Fallback News Illustration

Infographic to match report

Author: Kendra Schreiner Please share this infographic freely with your organisation and network. This infographic is part of a larger project on the role of philanthropy in using data to solve complex problems. A global scan highlights many initiatives using data for good, the main methods, how philanthropy is engaging, and the challenges faced.  Want to read more great ... Infographic to match report

Building Cross-Sector Data for Good Partnerships

Please share this infographic freely with your organisation and network. This infographic is part of a larger project on the role of philanthropy in using data to solve complex problems. A global scan highlights many initiatives using data for good, the main methods, how philanthropy is engaging, and the challenges faced.  —————— Want to read more great content ... Building Cross-Sector Data for Good Partnerships

Using Big Data for Social Good: 5 Steps to Keep in Mind

Please share this infographic freely with your organisation and network. This infographic is part of a larger project on the role of philanthropy in using data to solve complex problems. A global scan highlights many initiatives using data for good, the main methods, how philanthropy is engaging, and the challenges faced.  —————— Want to read more great content ... Using Big Data for Social Good: 5 Steps to Keep in Mind

How is Data being used for Social Good and Systematic Change?

Please share this infographic freely with your organisation and network. This infographic is part of a larger project on the role of philanthropy in using data to solve complex problems. A global scan highlights many initiatives using data for good, the main methods, how philanthropy is engaging, and the challenges faced.  Want to read more great content like ... How is Data being used for Social Good and Systematic Change?

Why we should engage diverse voices in mass participation

As part of a series of articles from A Better Way’s new book Insights for a Better Way, So Jung Rim, looks at why mass participation is better than centralised power. I started working in this field known as ‘social innovation’ at the Hope Institute, a think-and-do tank in South Korea, with the motto “I ... Why we should engage diverse voices in mass participation

Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Refugees in MENA

Over five million Syrian refugees have fled the war to neighbouring countries (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey). Refugees now account for 30% of Lebanon’s population, the highest concentration in the world, and over 70% of these are destitute and living in vulnerable conditions according to the UNHCR. In Jordan, over 90% are living below the poverty line. Many ... Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Refugees in MENA

The future of data – from cities to philanthropy

The conversation at the City Data conference hosted by Nesta on 24 May 2018 ranged from the ethics of algorithms to using avatars to help guide planning applications. The content was aimed at local authorities but the conversations were applicable to all sectors. I was one of the few attending from a social innovation background, with the ... The future of data – from cities to philanthropy

The role of philanthropy in using data to address complex challenges: A global scan

How philanthropy can better use, work with and fund data and emerging technologiesAuthor: Jordan Junge & Kendra Schreiner & Louise Pulford Foundations all over the world are grappling with their role in the emerging field of data and artificial intelligence. The field is fraught with potential controversy but also with possibility. Data has the potential to ... The role of philanthropy in using data to address complex challenges: A global scan

How is social innovation empowering women in the Middle East and North Africa?

Ahead of our upcoming Wayfinder in Istanbul on the future of social innovation, we explored how social innovation is empowering women in the region of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Challenges and opportunities for women in MENA Historically, women face marginalisation and discrimination in much of MENA. This has resulted in the lowest female labor ... How is social innovation empowering women in the Middle East and North Africa?

How is big data providing better insights into public welfare?

The gap in information Improving public welfare requires an in-depth understanding of needs and issues among different groups in society. Some mechanisms exist already to measure this information, such as the Genuine Progress Indicator, the Human Development Index, and the World Happiness Report. However, all of these are based on various datasets such as household consumption surveys, nutrition, health ... How is big data providing better insights into public welfare?

How does the agency for social innovation arise? Enabling social innovation capacity in Thailand and Myanmar

There is no people power in this country Participant during the social innovation workshop in Myanmar The above quote is rather representative of our recent experience of running social innovation training workshops and meeting young students in South East Asia. Another participant in Myanmar used an analogy to express the frustration he felt. “We are ... How does the agency for social innovation arise? Enabling social innovation capacity in Thailand and Myanmar

Koreo Futures: Exploring the Future of Meaningful Work

The rise of emerging technologies are disrupting the current models of living, influencing the way we expose, share and communicate our daily lives. Currently, discussion around the future seems to take two distinct avenues; for some, it’s utopic, while for others, it’s dystopic. Koreo is a talent consultancy based in London dedicated to social change. ... Koreo Futures: Exploring the Future of Meaningful Work

New narratives and culture shift – Lab Exchange PART III

In this Lab Exchange Series, Chelsea (Public Policy Lab, NYC), Stephane (La 27e Région, Paris) and Carolyn (TACSI, Adelaide) talk with Rachel (Social Lab, Hong Kong) and Marco (SIX, London) about building new narratives and capabilities needed to work as a lab practitioner. This conversation was part of Social Lab Symposium in Hong Kong. New narratives Stephane ... New narratives and culture shift – Lab Exchange PART III

Ten articles to read on the future of inclusion in AI: Why AI matters in social innovation

AI is already shaping the way people live and affecting day-to-day functions in society. It holds promises for social good, but also presents many challenges and risks. Yet, for many it remains inaccessible. How can everyday voices be included in the debate? How can we design AI for the common good? How do we ensure ... Ten articles to read on the future of inclusion in AI: Why AI matters in social innovation

#WomensDay- SIX speaks with women who are pioneering and leading their fields

As part of International Women’s Day, SIX is is highlighting a number of brilliant, inspirational women who are leading and championing innovation in their fields.  Interviews with:   Priyanka Dutt from BBC Media Action in India Stephanie Atkins from Women’s Aid in the UK Gabriella Gómez-Mont from Labatorio para la Ciudad in Mexico  Shariha Khalid from Scope Group ... #WomensDay- SIX speaks with women who are pioneering and leading their fields

The Burning Questions of Alignment

We believe that there’s great power in knowing the questions and challenges that are keeping your peers up at night. Not only does it help to reassure that you’re not alone in your work but it can spark a conversation, which in turn can shift thinking and practice. The mission of the Funders Node is ... The Burning Questions of Alignment

Highlights 2017 – How has social innovation shifted and how has SIX contributed?

The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. Abraham Lincoln  It’s been another eventful year at SIX, with a growing team, activities and ... Highlights 2017 – How has social innovation shifted and how has SIX contributed?

The Camp is a base camp for exploring the future

‘Thecamp is a base camp for exploring the future’.  This is how Antoine Meunier, Head of Communications, presented the new innovation campus, inaugurated this past Thursday evening in Aix-en-Provence. The camp came out of an ambitious idea of Fréderic Chevalier, founder of HighCo and recognized entrepreneur of the region. He said it would be a ... The Camp is a base camp for exploring the future

The Unusual Suspects Festival- London Impact Report: 4 Years in Review

This document is a four year review of the Unusual Suspects Festival model and events. Following the success of the London festival, we wanted to review all our past events and think strategically about how best to take the festival model onwards. All the festivals have reinforced that collaboration is a skill, not a hobby. ... The Unusual Suspects Festival- London Impact Report: 4 Years in Review

What are B Corps? SIX speaks with Charmian Love from B Lab UK

What are BCorps? What first motivated the movement?  B Corps are for profit businesses which operate for the benefit of both shareholders and stakeholders.  To become a B Corp, a business must go through a rigorous certification process which includes an assessment of their performance based on both how they operate and what impact their ... What are B Corps? SIX speaks with Charmian Love from B Lab UK

Colombian Centre for Social Innovation – ANSPE

Background Innovative solutions to pressing social challenges are thought after throughout the world. In 2013, the Latin American spotlight was on Brazil to offer innovation solutions to counter growing social unrest. Less publicised but similar socio-economic conditions were developing in other Latin America countries, namely Colombia.  Challenge There were existing examples of innovative change makers ... Colombian Centre for Social Innovation – ANSPE

Social innovation in the next 10 years: Insights from the SIX Wayfinder

The SIX Wayfinder was convened by SIX, hosted by Nesta and supported by the UNDP, Social Innovation Generation (SiG) National, The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI), and the JW McConnell Family Foundation. 160 leaders from over 34 countries attended the SIX Wayfinder from diverse backgrounds, both private and public, including government, design, international development, ... Social innovation in the next 10 years: Insights from the SIX Wayfinder

What does it mean to move towards trust-based funding?

As part of the SIX Funders Node, which connects funders across the world that want to learn from each other to be better funders of innovation, I interviewed Dr Toby Lowe of the University of Newcastle Business School who is working with Collaborate and the Big Lottery Fund to explore trust-based funding, as a response ... What does it mean to move towards trust-based funding?

How to build a network: Lessons from SIX

In groups we can do together what we cannot achieve alone. With networks and new computer-based tools, ordinary people can now become a group even without the benefit of a corporation or organisation. They can make decisions, own and sell assets, accomplish tasks by exploiting the technology available. They no longer need to rely on ... How to build a network: Lessons from SIX

10 unusual things about the Unusual Suspects Festival

As usual, the Unusual Suspects festival showed lots of things that are not found during an average social innovation event… 1) We facilitated unlikely connections creating genuine social change Orode Faka from Roehampton R.O.C.K.S. met Louise Foreman from the Young Foundation for the first time at the Unusual Suspects ideas exchange, months before the Festival began London on ... 10 unusual things about the Unusual Suspects Festival

Stories of Change: Truth, Memory and Reconciliation Commission of Colombian women in diaspora

At SIX we think it is important to tell stories where social innovation has impacted people’s lives for the better. Our Stories of Change series tells you the stories that inspire us from around the world.  It was when Sofia felt that she was being followed in Bogotá that she started to feel unsafe. Her ... Stories of Change: Truth, Memory and Reconciliation Commission of Colombian women in diaspora

Sustainable work and the future of public services: A conversation about creative criminal justice with charity Only Connect

SIX has moved office! At the end of October 2016, we relocated from Somerset House to Cubitt Street, five minutes walk from Kings Cross. We are now sharing our office with creative criminal justice charity, Only Connect. We spoke with OC’s executive director Mat Ilic to find out a little more about their work. What ... Sustainable work and the future of public services: A conversation about creative criminal justice with charity Only Connect

The Biggest Conversation in the World

How do you have a conversation with someone that you disagree with?  “If you ask, what is the most significant thing you can do to achieve peace in ordinary life? The answer is: commit to the conversation, converse with people that you disagree with.” John Paul Lederach, University of Notre Dame   The Biggest Conversation ... The Biggest Conversation in the World

7 tips for building a social innovation city

– from Seoul City’s Global Advisory Committee on Social Innovation SIX’s Director Louise Pulford is part of the Social Innovation Global Advisory Committee Group of Seoul Metropolitan Government. Last month, we travelled to Seoul to join the Future Innovation Forum 2016 and to also be part of the Social Innovation Global Advisory Committee Group Meeting hosted by ... 7 tips for building a social innovation city

The SIX Funders’ Node: A new kind of network for social innovation

In a rapidly changing world, the role of foundations to broker and create change is increasingly important. And, as their own role develops, it’s vital for funders to share and learn from their peers across the globe. The SIX Funders’ Node works with leading funders to unpack the big questions facing trusts and foundations all ... The SIX Funders’ Node: A new kind of network for social innovation

The Unusual Suspects Festival: Northern Ireland 2016

Following the success of the two previous Unusual Suspect festivals, we hosted our third festival in Northern Ireland across two cities in Derry-Londonderry and Belfast. The Unusual Suspects Festival is all about sparking new connections, reframing old ones and finding innovative ways to tackle chronic social problems. With 40+ organisations, both local and international, participating in 19 ... The Unusual Suspects Festival: Northern Ireland 2016

How can we talk about this? Creating space for discussion in polarised places

“We are emotional beings, that sometimes think, not thinking beings that sometimes feel”  – Iain Christie A few weeks ago I attended, alongside some other colleagues from SIX, an APPG committee event at Westminster, entitled Respectful Conversations. Both the recent Scottish and Brexit referenda have been characterised by a lowering of political debate, with a perceived ... How can we talk about this? Creating space for discussion in polarised places

Poverty, politics and paint: Lessons for Glasgow from Northern Ireland

What happened at Unusual NI? SIX speaks with Anthony Gerrard, CEO of Bad Idea in Glasgow, who joined us for his second Unusual Suspects Festival. Through his work at Bad Idea, Anthony worked with UV Arts and Tell it in Colour as part of the event ‘The Future is Now: How can young people transform their city?’ in ... Poverty, politics and paint: Lessons for Glasgow from Northern Ireland

Behaving Like a System

Collaborate launched a new report “Behaving Like a System?“ on the preconditions for place-based systems change. Funded by the Lankelly Chase, this piece of work set out to explore the preconditions for systems change in a place. It unpicks the critical behaviours and vision that makes system change more likely, more deliverable and more sustainable. In ... Behaving Like a System

An introduction to social innovation for NGOs

Although many aspects of innovation, including the ability to creatively problem solve and adapt to changing context, have long underpinned the work of NGOs, it is currently emerging as a new and distinct area of practice. At present, there is both scepticism towards, and enthusiasm for, innovation in the sector – as well as a ... An introduction to social innovation for NGOs

Pushing boundaries to advance social impact

In January 2016, a group of 25 foundations from across 4 continents came together at the Rockefeller Foundation’s New York office to learn and share insights about funding social innovation that help them tackle their most important opportunities and challenges. Although there are numerous toolkits, guides and traditional gatherings for foundations providing tips, practical suggestions ... Pushing boundaries to advance social impact

Connecting peers to push boundaries for social change – a new kind of meeting

Insights from the meeting of international foundations in January 2016: An interview with Louise Pulford, the Director of SIX. What makes this node different?  This group is about the people, and I felt lucky to be in the room with such a great group. It really felt like the best were learning from the best. ... Connecting peers to push boundaries for social change – a new kind of meeting

Philanthropic foundations and social innovation: How do we accelerate our learning?

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein The last quarter century has seen significant changes in the world of foundation philanthropy. New pools of earned wealth (think Jeff Skoll, Bill Gates or Skype founder Niklas Zennström) have accelerated traditional philanthropy’s shift from responsive grantmaking towards experiments with ... Philanthropic foundations and social innovation: How do we accelerate our learning?

U Innovate Us

This article was written by Josine Stremmelaar (Coordinator of the Knowledge Programme, Hivos) and Remko Berkhout (Consultant, Hivos) and is part of our SIX Global Council series on Ideas for the Future.  The obsession with ‘superheroes of social innovation’ undermines the social fabric that is needed to achieve social change. What if we harness the power ... U Innovate Us

Designing Social Innovation Labs: ESADE, Spain

Background Based in Barcelona, Spain, ESADE is one of the world’s top business schools. ESADE’s Institute of Social Innovation want to set up a lab for social innovation. Over the past decade, there has been a surge in the number of social innovation labs globally. Some of them are connected to the public sector, others ... Designing Social Innovation Labs: ESADE, Spain

A global discussion on Corporate Social Innovation

On March 11, 2014 , SIX hosted the Global Dialogue on “Corporate Social Innovation and the Future of Capitalism“. The discussion was convened by SIX, SiG and Cisco, and chaired by Geoff Mulgan (CEO of Nesta) and it brought together people from London, Bogota, Toronto and Vancouver. The last four decades have seen important evolution in thinking about the role of ... A global discussion on Corporate Social Innovation

A Lab of Labs

A report from Lab2, and why learning to reflect on our assumptions about how change happens has value, whether or not “lab” is in your title. Just add water. That was chemistry professor Justus von Liebig’s big idea. Mix hot water and powder, and voilà, you have the nutritional equivalent of beef stew. The year ... A Lab of Labs

Project Innovation: the Social Innovation Toolkit

The reality of day-to-day organizational work is that we tend to rely on typical strategies to achieve outcomes. An innovation mindset challenges key ideas about the traditional ways of working in social sector organizations, the importance of asking challenging questions and gathering data to better understand the complexity of social sector work, and the need ... Project Innovation: the Social Innovation Toolkit

Intentional innovation: How getting more systematic about innovation could improve philanthropy and increase social impact

Based on a review of case studies and current innovation theory and practice, proposes a framework integrating best practices, processes, and tools for making innovation a more consistent and integral element of philanthropy. Lists models and resources.

In and out of sync: The challenge of growing social innovations

This report is about how social innovations spread and grow. It aims to provide a theoretically and empirically grounded guide for the many people involved in social innovation: innovators, funders, policy-makers and commissioners. It draws on a growing body of research on patterns of growth, and distils its conclusions into a guide to help direct ... In and out of sync: The challenge of growing social innovations