Innovation Theory

Building European innovation ecosystems

SIX is part of a new consortium, Change Hubs for Ecosystemic Social Solutions – CHESS (2023-2025), under Horizon Europe programme which seeks to improve the overall ecosystem for innovation in Europe. It is now widely accepted in Europe that we need new approaches if we are to tackle the systemic and urgent societal challenges we ... Building European innovation ecosystems

Innovation Labs: 10 Defining Features

A closer look at what characterizes an innovation lab can help practitioners, funders, and scholars better understand what labs’ potential and limits might be, as well as better assess the social impact that comes out of the them. Innovation labs, with their aspirations to foster systemic change, have become a mainstay of the social innovation ... Innovation Labs: 10 Defining Features

A Lab of Labs

A report from Lab2, and why learning to reflect on our assumptions about how change happens has value, whether or not “lab” is in your title. Just add water. That was chemistry professor Justus von Liebig’s big idea. Mix hot water and powder, and voilà, you have the nutritional equivalent of beef stew. The year ... A Lab of Labs