Business for Good
Partnering with Purpose: Centring Communities in Business for Good
“We had ongoing conversations over a year around building out a strategy that we felt intersected well with what we were hearing from Indigenous peoples. Fundamentally, reconciliation – and I think any type of social purpose – is about listening to those who are telling you what they need and finding out where those intersection ... Partnering with Purpose: Centring Communities in Business for Good
Philanthropy can advance business for good around climate ambitions and beyond
A new way of thinking about corporate purpose and climate risks Businesses have an important role to play in transitioning our planet to a sustainable and green future, but the idea that businesses should care about the climate, even from a materiality perspective, let alone a moral or existential one, is still relatively new. The ... Philanthropy can advance business for good around climate ambitions and beyond
From social innovation to business for good – a global dialogue
We are living in turbulent times. Poverty, inequality, youth unemployment and climate change are among the challenges we are facing. Business for good is becoming the new norm in this new era. Over 2019/2020, a global consulting team came together to produce a new piece of research: Business for Good: Understanding the Motivations for Business to ... From social innovation to business for good – a global dialogue
Report: Motivations for Business to Create Shared Value in Hong Kong
The coronavirus outbreak has triggered the biggest global economic, health care and social crisis in centuries. This is a time for all sectors to reflect on their approaches and develop new ways of doing things. And it includes the private sector. In the post-pandemic world, the new business landscape is complex and uncertain. Amongst technological ... Report: Motivations for Business to Create Shared Value in Hong Kong
What is corporate social innovation?
Corporate social innovation (CSI) describes corporations who integrate social innovation into their corporate activities. Although a relatively new term, shared value companies are not new, although the recent influx in CSI is a sign of the growing strength of this field. Corporations play a significant opportunity in 2018 and the next decade to be part ... What is corporate social innovation?
25 companies carrying out corporate social innovation
Between the 2017 Paradise Papers scandal, the globally contested multi-billion merger between a large pharmaceutical and an agrochemical company, incidents of day-to-day disrespect of employees, protests over excessive pay and a leading car company’s fraudulent emission scandal, the air surrounding global corporations feels somewhat heavy. For the 17th consecutive year, the Edelman Trust Barometer recently surveyed tens ... 25 companies carrying out corporate social innovation