
Challenges of Social Innovation in Brazil

Fábio Deboni is the Executive Manager at the Sabin Institute. He currently is a co-manager of the Social Enterprise Theme Network of GIFE (Group of Institutes, Foundations and Companies) with the ICE. Member of GIFE’s Board of Directors. Author of “Reflexões contemporâneas sobre Investimento Social Privado” (Contemporary reflections on private social investment). Contact him here: As ... Challenges of Social Innovation in Brazil

The state of social innovation in 2019

Over the last 10 years, SIX has developed a broad view of what social innovation looks like in different parts of the world. We’ve seen how social innovation ecosystems have developed in response to the individual contexts of different countries, as well as the patterns that have emerged locally, regionally and globally. Here, SIX Executive ... The state of social innovation in 2019

Social Innovation: what’s under this umbrella? A Brazilian perspective

Abstract Social innovation, as both a field and conversation point, is burgeoning within Latin America. Yet, at the same time, there are discrepancies between what is meant by social innovation, and little shared understanding of its definition. The social innovation dialogue in Latin America, and especially in Brazil, hinges around two narratives. One centres on ... Social Innovation: what’s under this umbrella? A Brazilian perspective

25 companies carrying out corporate social innovation

Between the 2017 Paradise Papers scandal, the globally contested multi-billion merger between a large pharmaceutical and an agrochemical company, incidents of day-to-day disrespect of employees, protests over excessive pay and a leading car company’s fraudulent emission scandal, the air surrounding global corporations feels somewhat heavy. For the 17th consecutive year, the Edelman Trust Barometer recently surveyed tens ... 25 companies carrying out corporate social innovation

Highlights 2017 – How has social innovation shifted and how has SIX contributed?

The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. Abraham Lincoln  It’s been another eventful year at SIX, with a growing team, activities and ... Highlights 2017 – How has social innovation shifted and how has SIX contributed?