SI LIVE ASIA took place on 8-9 October 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The two-day event was part of the European Commission funded project – SEASIN – and brought together practitioners and researchers from South East Asia and beyond. With participants from over 15 countries and a range of backgrounds, the event explored three major challenges faced by universities today in helping prepare for the future:
- Rethinking research and practice: how do we build shared knowledge and better connect research and practice?
- Rethinking learning: how do universities interact more with their wider communities, and help people prepare for the real world?
- Rethinking systems: how do we create the space to help universities as institutions transform? How do we shift systems?
The first day of SI-LIVE ASIA was a provocation day that explored the above framing of the event through keynote speeches, a talkshow style panel discussion and interactive deep-dive sessions. These sessions covered everything from the role of research and universities in tackling the SDGs, to building knowledge and narratives between social innovation and STEM and human centred design. The second day gave participants the chance to delve deep into their understanding of particular topics, with 9 intimate roundtable discussions with abstracts presented by over 25 researchers and practioners. These covered topics as varied as civic urban innovation, enabling people with autism to find meaningful work, and empowering students to solve global health issues. Please see here for the full programme over the two days. For a list of speakers, please see here.
During the first day of SI-LIVE ASIA, SIX hosted a talkshow on creating spaces and changing structures: how universities can change their systems. We brought together the perspectives from across the university structure – leadership, management, academia, student – as well as the perspectives of three external organisations that work with universities: British Council Hong Kong, The Good Lab and School of Changemakers. You can read their reflections on what one action universities could take to shift their behaviour and incorporate more social innovation here.
What are you working on already that you’d like to feature on the SEASIN website to share with others working on social innovation in research/practice? If you would like to contribute to SEASIN, sign up to the newsletter or get in touch!