Labs for Social Innovation

SIX worked with the ESADE Institute for Social Innovation to co-facilitate a Lab on Labs for Social Innovation in Barcelona in June 2017. This workshop was part of a project carried out by the Institute and was supported by the Robert Bosch Foundation and BBVA, and aimed to provide meaningful insights into how to best address the complex societal challenges we are currently facing and bring forth scalable and sustainable positive change.

With ESADE, we brought together key stakeholders from international organisations of different sectors to share their experiences and generate new ideas that can be used to design and implement more effective methods and spaces for addressing big societal challenges, particularly in the universities field.

This workshop was part of a project which is being developed by the Institute that aims to generate ideas to design and implement more effective methods and spaces for addressing big societal challenges, having a particular focus in the role of businesses and academic institutions in the social innovation landscape. This workshop also aligned with SIX’s work exploring the role of academic institutions and businesses in the social innovation landscape.

The 10th Annual Conference

The 10th Annual Conference of the ESADE’s Institute for Social Innovation was held alongside the Lab, where some of the participants of the workshop took to the floor to talk about social innovation labs.

Here you will find the round table of Social Innovation Labs: Why a lab?

Here you will find a podcast of Geoff Mulgan, CEO of Nesta, speaking at the conference on ‘A projection towards new trends in research and social development’.

To read the ESADE output report on social innovation labs, please click here.

Follow these links for interviews from the event: 

Click here for a full page of resources.