One of the reasons why I decided to run for Mayor was to pursue social innovation. Seoul has a population of 10 million, it’s a big metropolitan city and changing the lives of Seoul citizens is only possible not in front of a desk, but within the lives of the citizens. I am moving the Mayor’s office into areas with the highest concentration of needs. I will co-live with the citizens and gain insights through empathy. I will experience the daily commute and share food with local residents. I will co-create alternatives to change the lives of Seoul’s citizens.
Mayor Park Won-soon, Seoul Metropolitan Government
Around the world, urbanisation is playing an increasingly important role in what our societies look like.
As the size and significance of cities grow, they can become the sites of increasingly complicated social problems, as well as potential hubs for exploring their possible solutions. While every city is different and faces its own difficulties, what they all have in common is the need for innovative approaches to help solve the challenges we face today.
This, SIX curated, collection of essays brings together nine leaders from around the world, and their thoughts on how cities can approach urban challenges and help improve the lives of their inhabitants. Including insights from Geoff Mulgan, Gabriella Gómez-Mont, Ada Wong, Ezio Manzini and many more! These essays have been curated as part of the Mayor of Seoul’s Social Innovation Global Advisory Committee, which SIX leads.