Innovating together: Responsible scaling of co-creation

The scaling of innovations is seen as an inescapable answer to the growing urgency to tackle grand societal challenges. Co-creation is an increasingly key method for the involvement of a variety of actors to realize the inevitable scaling. Not all co-creation methods, however, spread equally and work to the same success in different contexts.

This online workshop series will explore and analyze the apparent paradox between, the (cultural, political, social) local situatedness of co-creation practices; and the (perceived) need for generalising, transferring, or ‘scaling up’ co-creation practices to different socio-cultural settings.

The online workshop series is part of the H2020 project and will bring together practitioners, policy-makers and academics in the fields of Urban Energy, Robotics and Autonomous Driving.

We are excited to invite you to the following events as part of SCALINGS Online Series – Innovating together: Responsible scaling of co-creation: 

4 March 2021 / 10am-12:30pm CET – Scaling up co-creation: The Housing Cooperative Wroclaw’s lessons for housing cooperative sector (in Polish)

Organised by: UEW
Contributors: Julia Rokicka (HCW), Marek Dera (HCW), Council of Housing Cooperatives in Wrocław; Adam Zawada (VP Wrocław), Bożena Ryszawska, Magdalena Rozwadowska, Piotr Szymański (UEW) 

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19 March 2021 / 2-4pm CET – Co-Creating a European Co-Creation Roadmap

Organised by: TUM
Contributors: Ruth Müller (TUM), Iris Eisenberger (Uni Graz), Maja Horst (DTU), Raluca Iagher (European Commission), Alan Irwin (CBS), Sebastian Pfotenhauer (TUM), Jack Stilgoe (UCL)

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28 April 2021 / 11am-12pm CET – Crowd Dynamics and Organizing for Co-creation

Organised by: Imperial College
Contributors: Marcel Bogers (TU/e), Esteve Almirall (ESADE Business School), Gianluigi Viscusi (Imperial College Business School), Christopher L. Tucci (Imperial College Business School).

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May 2021 / Date & Time (TBC) – Enabling and constraining: reflecting on the role of power in participation, ownership and engagement in co-creation
Organised by: TU/e
Contributors: TBC

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