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Building European innovation ecosystems
SIX is part of a new consortium, Change Hubs for Ecosystemic Social Solutions – CHESS (2023-2025), under Horizon Europe programme which seeks to improve the overall ecosystem for innovation in Europe. It is now widely accepted in Europe that we need new approaches if we are to tackle the systemic and urgent societal challenges we ... Building European innovation ecosystems

Policy for social innovation: Five ways policy can support social innovation
Originally posted here. To start the Social Innovation Community project we reviewed what social innovators and researchers have said so far about the relationship between public policy and social innovation. Across Europe there are many initiatives operating nationally and transnationally that have been designed to support social innovation, but we’re still some way from a ... Policy for social innovation: Five ways policy can support social innovation

Growing social innovation: A guide for policy makers
The international community increasingly recognises the need for new approaches to address our most pressing social challenges. In order to stimulate this innovation, this report suggests a number of approaches which policy makers can take, drawing on examples taken from around the world. The report draws on the work and findings of the TEPSIE project, a ... Growing social innovation: A guide for policy makers

Report: A reflection on Strengthening Social Innovation in Colombia
In 2013, The Young Foundation and the Social Innovation Exchange (SIX) were commissioned by the national Colombian Centre for Social Innovation of ANSPE (National Agency to Overcome Extreme Poverty) to design and run a series of events on Social Innovation with a range of stakeholders. This project was supported by Compartamos con Colombia and the Inter-American Development Bank. Through ... Report: A reflection on Strengthening Social Innovation in Colombia

Social innovation research in the European Union: Approaches, findings and future directions
This report was originally posted on Wilco Project. In the course of the WILCO mid-term seminar, a pioneering initiative was launched to take stock of all the research done so far within the Framework Programmes with a view on preparing for Horizon 2020. The main result of this event is the “Social innovation research in the ... Social innovation research in the European Union: Approaches, findings and future directions

Public and Collaborative: Exploring the Intersection of Design, Social Innovation and Public Policy
An interesting phenomenon is emerging worldwide: more and more people are organizing to solve daily problems together and are collaborating with each other to live more socially cohesive and sustainable lives. This active and collaborative attitude, driven by several social and economic factors, is also based on a technological pre-condition: the diffusion of technologies that ... Public and Collaborative: Exploring the Intersection of Design, Social Innovation and Public Policy

At The Forefront Of Social Innovation In Latin America – Colombia
This article is written by Tricia Hackett and Diana Daste as part of the Social Life of Cities series for Urban Times It’s not all about Brazil – though the media might lead you to believe otherwise. Lesser known but not less exciting things are also happening in other Latin America countries, namely Colombia. With much fanfare, Colombia’s ... At The Forefront Of Social Innovation In Latin America – Colombia

Public Sector Social Innovation: It’s time we changed some old habits
In an article for Public Servant Magazine, Geoff Mulgan explains why Nesta is promoting social innovation in the UK and how SIX brings together innovators from around the world. For the last 14 years Nesta has been working to help people and organisations bring great ideas to life across a wide range of fields – ... Public Sector Social Innovation: It’s time we changed some old habits

Social Innovation: International Practices for Diffusion and Policymaking
By Johanna Mair While Western societies increasingly recognize social innovation, and its importance for the growth and well being of communities, there is still a wide gap between the scale of the problems we face and the scale of the available solutions. Businesses spend big money on innovation, but governments spend far less on systematically ... Social Innovation: International Practices for Diffusion and Policymaking

The Obama Administration’s Social Innovation Fund:An In-depth Interview with Director Paul Carttar
Recently, I interviewed Paul Carttar, Director of the Social Innovation Fund–an initiative of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) intended to improve the lives of people in low-income communities. It does so by mobilizing public and private resources to grow promising, innovative community-based solutions that have evidence of compelling impact in three areas ... The Obama Administration’s Social Innovation Fund:An In-depth Interview with Director Paul Carttar

First Study on Social Innovation for BEPA
SIX and the Young Foundation were commissioned by the Bureau of European Policy Advisors at the European Commission to a study of social innovation in Europe, and to suggest some priorities for action. The paper sets out the current position, policies, programmes and future options for promoting social innovation in Europe. Its primary focus is ... First Study on Social Innovation for BEPA
Building European innovation ecosystems
SIX is part of a new consortium, Change Hubs for Ecosystemic Social Solutions – CHESS (2023-2025), under Horizon Europe programme which seeks to improve the overall ecosystem for innovation in Europe. It is now widely accepted in Europe that we need new approaches if we are to tackle the systemic and urgent societal challenges we ... Building European innovation ecosystems
Policy for social innovation: Five ways policy can support social innovation
Originally posted here. To start the Social Innovation Community project we reviewed what social innovators and researchers have said so far about the relationship between public policy and social innovation. Across Europe there are many initiatives operating nationally and transnationally that have been designed to support social innovation, but we’re still some way from a ... Policy for social innovation: Five ways policy can support social innovation
Growing social innovation: A guide for policy makers
The international community increasingly recognises the need for new approaches to address our most pressing social challenges. In order to stimulate this innovation, this report suggests a number of approaches which policy makers can take, drawing on examples taken from around the world. The report draws on the work and findings of the TEPSIE project, a ... Growing social innovation: A guide for policy makers
Report: A reflection on Strengthening Social Innovation in Colombia
In 2013, The Young Foundation and the Social Innovation Exchange (SIX) were commissioned by the national Colombian Centre for Social Innovation of ANSPE (National Agency to Overcome Extreme Poverty) to design and run a series of events on Social Innovation with a range of stakeholders. This project was supported by Compartamos con Colombia and the Inter-American Development Bank. Through ... Report: A reflection on Strengthening Social Innovation in Colombia
Social innovation research in the European Union: Approaches, findings and future directions
This report was originally posted on Wilco Project. In the course of the WILCO mid-term seminar, a pioneering initiative was launched to take stock of all the research done so far within the Framework Programmes with a view on preparing for Horizon 2020. The main result of this event is the “Social innovation research in the ... Social innovation research in the European Union: Approaches, findings and future directions
Public and Collaborative: Exploring the Intersection of Design, Social Innovation and Public Policy
An interesting phenomenon is emerging worldwide: more and more people are organizing to solve daily problems together and are collaborating with each other to live more socially cohesive and sustainable lives. This active and collaborative attitude, driven by several social and economic factors, is also based on a technological pre-condition: the diffusion of technologies that ... Public and Collaborative: Exploring the Intersection of Design, Social Innovation and Public Policy
At The Forefront Of Social Innovation In Latin America – Colombia
This article is written by Tricia Hackett and Diana Daste as part of the Social Life of Cities series for Urban Times It’s not all about Brazil – though the media might lead you to believe otherwise. Lesser known but not less exciting things are also happening in other Latin America countries, namely Colombia. With much fanfare, Colombia’s ... At The Forefront Of Social Innovation In Latin America – Colombia
Public Sector Social Innovation: It’s time we changed some old habits
In an article for Public Servant Magazine, Geoff Mulgan explains why Nesta is promoting social innovation in the UK and how SIX brings together innovators from around the world. For the last 14 years Nesta has been working to help people and organisations bring great ideas to life across a wide range of fields – ... Public Sector Social Innovation: It’s time we changed some old habits
Social Innovation: International Practices for Diffusion and Policymaking
By Johanna Mair While Western societies increasingly recognize social innovation, and its importance for the growth and well being of communities, there is still a wide gap between the scale of the problems we face and the scale of the available solutions. Businesses spend big money on innovation, but governments spend far less on systematically ... Social Innovation: International Practices for Diffusion and Policymaking
The Obama Administration’s Social Innovation Fund:An In-depth Interview with Director Paul Carttar
Recently, I interviewed Paul Carttar, Director of the Social Innovation Fund–an initiative of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) intended to improve the lives of people in low-income communities. It does so by mobilizing public and private resources to grow promising, innovative community-based solutions that have evidence of compelling impact in three areas ... The Obama Administration’s Social Innovation Fund:An In-depth Interview with Director Paul Carttar
First Study on Social Innovation for BEPA
SIX and the Young Foundation were commissioned by the Bureau of European Policy Advisors at the European Commission to a study of social innovation in Europe, and to suggest some priorities for action. The paper sets out the current position, policies, programmes and future options for promoting social innovation in Europe. Its primary focus is ... First Study on Social Innovation for BEPA