SIX Summer School

An innovative fix – lessons from SIX Summer School Mumbai

This article originally appeared on the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation blog. 100 social innovators from across the world gathered together at SIX’s Summer School in Mumbai this November to discuss ‘The Connected Urban Life – How can new ways of connecting make cities better for all?’ I was in attendance to represent Battersea Arts Centre with support from ... An innovative fix – lessons from SIX Summer School Mumbai

By Liz Moreton, Battersea Arts Centre

December 9, 2015

Seven reasons for having faith in India’s social innovation future

At a stressful point before the recent SIX Mumbai Summer School, an ISDI colleague shared some words of wisdom with the team. “Just remember, it’ll be alright in the end. And if it isn’t alright, it isn’t the end yet.” We looked at him. “Wow’ what amazing insight. “Where’s that from? Gandhi? The Bhagavad Gita?…” “No, from ... Seven reasons for having faith in India’s social innovation future

By Eddy Adams

December 1, 2015

Remembering Diogo Vasconcelos

Today would have been Diogo Vasconcelos’s birthday. Our present to him is our commitment to social innovation, and our official announcement that SIX will become an independent entity this year. A thriving independent SIX was something Diogo felt strongly about, and something he has helped us to achieve. Over the last year we have made significant progress ... Remembering Diogo Vasconcelos

By Kine Nordstokka

May 16, 2012