Funders Node

SIX Fallback News Illustration

Seven ways funders can strengthen democracy

On Wednesday 17 April 2024, SIX hosted a public dialogue on what funders can do to strengthen democracy and invited contributions from esteemed panellists, Lisbeth Pilegaard, Chair of the Executive Committee of the European Endowment for Democracy, Lisa Witter, Co-Founder and CEO of the Apolitical Foundation and Željko Jovanović, President of the Roma Foundation for ... Seven ways funders can strengthen democracy

May 1, 2024

Philanthropy can advance business for good around climate ambitions and beyond

A new way of thinking about corporate purpose and climate risks Businesses have an important role to play in transitioning our planet to a sustainable and green future, but the idea that businesses should care about the climate, even from a materiality perspective, let alone a moral or existential one, is still relatively new.  The ... Philanthropy can advance business for good around climate ambitions and beyond

By Josiane Smith and Louise Pulford

August 3, 2022

Insights on financing social innovation in Europe

We are facing immense societal challenges globally, which cannot be solved through technological innovations alone. We need sustainable and socially oriented solutions, that is innovations with and for society. Such social innovations need adequate financial support.   Over the last decade, there have been various approaches to financing and supporting social innovations, from accelerator grants to ... Insights on financing social innovation in Europe


January 26, 2022

How has the discourse around philanthropy shifted after the events of 2020?

Introduction Over the coming months, SIX will be sharing our tracking and interrogation of how the discourse around philanthropy has shifted, or not, after the profoundly impactful events of 2020. We are looking for themes that have been lost in the noise, and trends that have become louder; we are searching for signals about what has ... How has the discourse around philanthropy shifted after the events of 2020?

February 15, 2021

Listen to Tamarack Institute The Changing Role of Philanthropy webinar now

Listen as Louise, Sophie and Liz engage in a conversation about the changing role and impact of philanthropy and explore how our work influences funders and community change leaders globally. Philanthropy plays a pivotal role in the community and social change supporting organizations and networks in tackling complex and urgent challenges that communities are facing. ... Listen to Tamarack Institute The Changing Role of Philanthropy webinar now


April 27, 2020