SIX believes in the transformative power of people working together. Exchanges based on mutual value and reciprocity are the missing link in tackling the world’s problems. As a friendly, expert entry point to global social innovation, our work connects organisations, sectors, communities and nations to build capabilities and create opportunities for collaboration. When we open the world, people connect and discover the collective power to change their societies for the better.

Cross Sector
We believe in different sectors working together – no one sector or organisation has all the answers. We can learn a lot from different people with different perspectives and by working together we can leverage the best of every organisation.

We believe in being open to the world — best examples can come from anywhere. Global exchange of good ideas helps us tackle local challenges better.

We believe that the exchange of experiences and knowledge drives positive social change. Work centred in mutual value and reciprocity delivers powerful outcomes and is at the heart of all we do.
Governance and financial statements
Since March 2013, SIX has been governed by an Executive Board of leading social innovation experts from around the world.
SIX is a charity registered by UK law (Charity No 1155570) and a Company Limited by Guarantee (Company Number 8364475). You can find the latest Social Innovation Exchange Report and Financial Statements below.
Who we work with
Global Council
Through our Global Council, you will receive quick and targeted access to our global network, global inspiration and case studies, provocation and peer support from our team of experts. Some of the organisations who have engaged with the SIX Global Council in the past include:

Core partner & friends